[Hosted Solution API] element index

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a b c d e f g h i l m n o p r s t u v w z
An array of country ISO's for the language layers where this DeliveryCountry is accessible. The empty array indicates that all can access.
ProductDeliveryCountry::$Access in WebServiceTypes.php
An array of country ISO's for the language layers where this DeliveryCountry is accessible. The empty array indicates that all can access.
An array of country ISO's for the language layers where this DeliveryCountry is accessible. The empty array indicates that all can access.
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Accumulate in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not to allow accumulative discounts from this discount
ProductDiscountCreate::$Accumulate in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not to allow accumulative discounts from this discount
ProductDiscount::$Accumulate in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not to allow accumulative discounts from this discount
OrderTransaction::$Actioncode in WebServiceTypes.php
The actioncode returned by the payment gateway
The actioncode returned by the payment gateway
Product::$Additionals in WebServiceTypes.php
The ProductAdditionalTypes of the Product
OrderLine::$AdditionalTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
Comma seperated list of the selected ProductAdditionalTypes when the Order was made
User::$Address in WebServiceTypes.php
The address of the User
OrderCustomerCreate::$Address in WebServiceTypes.php
The address of the customer
OrderCustomer::$Address in WebServiceTypes.php
The address of the customer
ShopWebinfo::$Address in WebServiceTypes.php
The address of the webshop
UserCreate::$Address in WebServiceTypes.php
The address of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$Address in WebServiceTypes.php
The address of the User
UserUpdate::$Address in WebServiceTypes.php
The address of the User
OrderLineAddress::$Address in WebServiceTypes.php
The Address of the OrderLineAddress
OrderCustomer::$Address2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second addressline of the customer
OrderCustomerCreate::$Address2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second addressline of the customer
UserCreate::$Address2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second address line of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$Address2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second address line of the User
UserUpdate::$Address2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second address line of the User
User::$Address2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The address 2 of the User
The amount to trigger the discount
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The amount to trigger the discount
The amount to trigger the discount
ProductDiscountCreate::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The amount to trigger the discount
ProductDiscount::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The amount to trigger the discount
PacketProductLine::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The amount of products represented by the PacketLine
The amount to trigger the discount
OrderTransactionCreate::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The transaction amount in the given currency of the OrderTransaction
OrderLineCreate::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The amount of Products of the OrderLine
OrderTransaction::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The transaction amount in the given currency of the OrderTransaction
OrderLineAddress::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The amount of the product of the orderline
OrderLine::$Amount in WebServiceTypes.php
The amount of Products of the OrderLine
OrderTransaction::$AmountFull in WebServiceTypes.php
The full transaction amount in the given currency of the OrderTransaction
DiscountCreate::$AmountSpent in WebServiceTypes.php
The spent amount of the Discount
Discount::$AmountSpent in WebServiceTypes.php
The spent amount of the Discount
DiscountUpdate::$AmountSpent in WebServiceTypes.php
The spent amount of the Discount
UserCreateUpdate::$Approved in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the user has been approved by an administrator
UserUpdate::$Approved in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the user has been approved by an administrator
User::$Approved in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the user has been approved by an administrator
UserCreate::$Approved in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the user has been approved by an administrator
ProductCreateUpdate::$AutoStock in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not stock should be automatically controlled for the product. 1 for true, 0 for false, blank to inherit value from site
ProductUpdate::$AutoStock in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not stock should be automatically controlled for the product. 1 for true, 0 for false, blank to inherit value from site
ProductCreate::$AutoStock in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not stock should be automatically controlled for the product. 1 for true, 0 for false, blank to inherit value from site
Product::$AutoStock in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not stock should be automatically controlled for the product. 1 for true, 0 for false, blank to inherit value from site
OrderCustomer::$B2B in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not this costumer is a B2B customer
OrderCustomerCreate::$B2B in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not this costumer is a B2B customer
ShopWebinfo::$BankInfo in WebServiceTypes.php
The bank information of the webshop
User::$BirthDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The date of birth of the User
UserCreate::$BirthDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The date of birth of the User
UserUpdate::$BirthDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The date of birth of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$BirthDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The date of birth of the User
The internal purchase price of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantUpdate::$BuyingPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The internal purchase price of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantCreate::$BuyingPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The internal purchase price of the ProductVariant
ProductUpdate::$BuyingPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The internal purchase price of the Product
ProductVariant::$BuyingPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The internal purchase price of the ProductVariant
ProductCreate::$BuyingPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The internal purchase price of the Product
Product::$BuyingPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The internal purchase price of the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$BuyingPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The internal purchase price of the Product
OrderDelivery::$BuyPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The buying price of the delivery
OrderLineCreate::$BuyPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
Optional. The buying price of the Product of the OrderLine without VAT Precision = 2 decimals
OrderLine::$BuyPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The buying price of the Product of the OrderLine when the Order was made
ProductCreate::$CallForPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not 'Call for Price' information is available for this Product
Product::$CallForPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not 'Call for Price' information is available for this Product
ProductUpdate::$CallForPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not 'Call for Price' information is available for this Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$CallForPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not 'Call for Price' information is available for this Product
OrderTransaction::$Cardtype in WebServiceTypes.php
The cardtype of the OrderTransaction. This can be DK, V-DK, EDK, VISA(DK), VISA, MC(DK), MC, DINERS(DA), DINERS, AMEX(DA), AMEX, JCB, MSC(DK),MSC or FBF
OrderTransactionCreate::$Cardtype in WebServiceTypes.php
The cardtype of the OrderTransactionCreate. This can be DK, V-DK, EDK, VISA(DK), VISA, MC(DK), MC, DINERS(DA), DINERS, AMEX(DA), AMEX, JCB, MSC(DK),MSC or FBF
Product::$Category in WebServiceTypes.php
The primary Category of the Product
ProductAdditionalType::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Category of the ProductAdditional
ProductCustomDataType::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Category of the ProductCustomDataType
CategoryPicture::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Category of this CategoryPicture
CategoryPictureCreate::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Category of this CategoryPicture
ProductUpdate::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the primary Category of the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the primary Category of the Product
CategoryPictureUpdate::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Category of this CategoryPicture
PageText::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the primary PageCategory of the PageText
ProductCreate::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the primary Category of the Product
Product::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the primary Category of the Product
PageTextCreate::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the primary PageCategory of the PageText
PageTextUpdate::$CategoryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the primary PageCategory of the PageText
The id of the category of the product that the sorting relates to
Product/Category sorting
Product::$CategorySortings in WebServiceTypes.php
Product/Category sorting
ProductCreate::$CategorySortings in WebServiceTypes.php
Product/Category sorting
ProductUpdate::$CategorySortings in WebServiceTypes.php
Product/Category sorting
User::$City in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the User
UserUpdate::$City in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the User
OrderCustomer::$City in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the customer
ShopWebinfo::$City in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the webshop
OrderCustomerCreate::$City in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the customer
UserCreateUpdate::$City in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the User
UserCreate::$City in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the User
OrderLineAddress::$City in WebServiceTypes.php
The City of the OrderLineAddress
DiscountUpdate::$Code in WebServiceTypes.php
The code of the Discount
ProductDeliveryCountry::$Code in WebServiceTypes.php
the userdefined Code of the DeliveryCountry
the userdefined Code of the DeliveryCountry
Discount::$Code in WebServiceTypes.php
The code of the Discount
the userdefined Code of the DeliveryCountry
DiscountCreate::$Code in WebServiceTypes.php
The code of the Discount
ProductVariantTypeValue::$Color in WebServiceTypes.php
The css color code of the ProductVariantTypeValue
OrderLineAddress::$Comment in WebServiceTypes.php
The Comment of the OrderLineAddress
OrderCustomerCreate::$Company in WebServiceTypes.php
The company of the customer
OrderCustomer::$Company in WebServiceTypes.php
The company of the customer
OrderLineAddress::$Company in WebServiceTypes.php
The Company of the OrderLineAddress
User::$Company in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the company of this User
ShopWebinfo::$Company in WebServiceTypes.php
The Company of the webshop
UserUpdate::$Company in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the company of this User
UserCreateUpdate::$Company in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the company of this User
UserCreate::$Company in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the company of this User
the Tax percentage for companies for the DeliveryCountry
the Tax percentage for companies for the DeliveryCountry
the Tax percentage for companies for the DeliveryCountry
UserCreateUpdate::$Consent in WebServiceTypes.php
The consent status of the user
User::$Consent in WebServiceTypes.php
The consent status of the user
UserUpdate::$Consent in WebServiceTypes.php
The consent status of the user
UserCreate::$Consent in WebServiceTypes.php
The consent status of the user
User::$ConsentDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The date that the user confirmed consent
UserUpdate::$ConsentDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The date that the user confirmed consent
UserCreateUpdate::$ConsentDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The date that the user confirmed consent
UserCreate::$ConsentDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The date that the user confirmed consent
ShopWebinfo::$ContactPerson in WebServiceTypes.php
The contactperson of the webshop
OrderFileDownload::$Count in WebServiceTypes.php
The nubmer of times the file of the OrderFileDownload can be downloaded
UserCreateUpdate::$Country in WebServiceTypes.php
The country of the User
UserUpdate::$Country in WebServiceTypes.php
The country of the User
UserCreate::$Country in WebServiceTypes.php
The country of the User
ShopWebinfo::$Country in WebServiceTypes.php
The country of the webshop
OrderCustomerCreate::$Country in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO code of country of the customer
OrderCustomer::$Country in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO code of country of the customer
User::$Country in WebServiceTypes.php
The country of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$CountryCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone initials of the Users country
OrderCustomer::$CountryCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone initials of the country (+XX) of the customer
User::$CountryCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone initials of the Users country
UserCreate::$CountryCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone initials of the Users country
UserUpdate::$CountryCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone initials of the Users country
OrderCustomerCreate::$CountryCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone initials of the country (+XX) of the customer
OrderLineAddress::$CountryIso in WebServiceTypes.php
The Country Iso of the OrderLineAddress
UserUpdate::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The currency iso of the User
ProductDiscount::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The Currency iso of the Price of this discount
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The Currency iso of the Price of this discount
The Currency iso of the Price of this discount
User::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The currency iso of the User
The Currency iso of the Price of this discount
The Currency iso of the Price of this discount
UserCreate::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The currency iso of the User
ProductDiscountCreate::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The Currency iso of the Price of this discount
UserCreateUpdate::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The currency iso of the User
OrderTransactionCreate::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The currency of the OrderTransaction
Order::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The OrderCurrency of the Order
CurrencyUpdate::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the Currency
CurrencyCreate::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the Currency
OrderCurrency::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the OrderCurrency
Currency::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the Currency
OrderTransaction::$Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
The currency of the OrderTransaction
OrderCreate::$CurrencyId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Currency of the Order
Order::$CurrencyId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Currency of the Order
Product::$CustomData in WebServiceTypes.php
The ProductCustomDatas of the Product
User::$CustomData in WebServiceTypes.php
The Customdatas of this User
Order::$Customer in WebServiceTypes.php
The Customer of the Order
OrderCreate::$CustomerComment in WebServiceTypes.php
The customer comment of the Order
Order::$CustomerComment in WebServiceTypes.php
The customer comment of the Order
Order::$CustomerId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Customer of the Order
CustomDataCreate::$CustomTypeId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CustomData of the CustomData
CustomDataUpdate::$CustomTypeId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CustomData of the CustomData
CustomData::$CustomTypeId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CustomData of the CustomData
ShopWebinfo::$Cvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The cvr of the webshop
User::$Cvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The Cvr number of the User
UserCreate::$Cvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The Cvr number of the User
OrderCustomerCreate::$Cvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The CVR number of the customer
UserUpdate::$Cvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The Cvr number of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$Cvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The Cvr number of the User
OrderCustomer::$Cvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The CVR number of the customer
Category in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a Category
CategoryCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a Category.
CategoryCreateUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating or updating a Category.
CategoryPicture in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a CategoryPicture
CategoryPictureCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a CategoryPicture
CategoryPictureUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a CategoryPicture
CategoryUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a Category.
Category_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new Category
Category_CreateOrUpdate() in WebService.php
Creates or updates a Category. Assumes that only unique Category titles exist for a given level in the shop. If the Title supplied is not found on the level a new Category is created
Category_CreatePicture() in WebService.php
Creates a new CategoryPicture
Category_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a Category
Category_DeletePicture() in WebService.php
Deletes a CategoryPicture
Category_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns all Categories
Category_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated Category
Category_GetPictures() in WebService.php
Returns the CategoryPictures of the indicated Category
Category_Update() in WebService.php
Updates a new Category
Category_UpdatePicture() in WebService.php
Updates a CategoryPicture
Category_UpdateTitle() in WebService.php
Updates the Title of a Category in the specified Language
Currency in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a Currency
CurrencyCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a Currency
CurrencyUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a Currency
Currency_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new Currency
Currency_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a Currency
Currency_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns all Currencies
Currency_GetByIso() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated Currency
Currency_Update() in WebService.php
Updates a Currency
CustomData in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject CustomData
CustomDataCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a CustomData
CustomDataType in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject CustomDataType
CustomDataTypeCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a CustomDataType
CustomDataTypeUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a CustomDataType
CustomDataUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a CustomData
Whether or not this is a date-specific discount
ProductDiscountCreate::$Date in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not this is a date-specific discount
ProductDiscountAccumulative::$Date in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not this is a date-specific discount
ProductDiscount::$Date in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not this is a date-specific discount
OrderTransaction::$Date in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the OrderTransaction was carried out
OrderTransactionCreate::$Date in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the OrderTransaction was carried out
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Date in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not this is a date-specific discount
Whether or not this is a date-specific discount
UserCreateUpdate::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the User was created
UserUpdate::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the User was created
DiscountUpdate::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The the date the Discount was created
DiscountCreate::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The the date the Discount was created
Product::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the Product was created
ProductCreateUpdate::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the Product was created
Discount::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The the date the Discount was created
ProductUpdate::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the Product was created
User::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the User was created
UserCreate::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the User was created
ProductTag::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the Tag was created
ProductCreate::$DateCreated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the Product was created
Order::$DateDelivered in WebServiceTypes.php
The creation datetime of the Order
Order::$DateDue in WebServiceTypes.php
The due datetime of the Order
DiscountUpdate::$DateExpire in WebServiceTypes.php
The expiry date of the Discount (empty for none)
Discount::$DateExpire in WebServiceTypes.php
The expiry date of the Discount (empty for none)
DiscountCreate::$DateExpire in WebServiceTypes.php
The expiry date of the Discount (empty for none)
ProductDiscountUpdate::$DateFrom in WebServiceTypes.php
The start date of a date-specific discount
The start date of a date-specific discount
The start date of a date-specific discount
OrderFileDownload::$DateFrom in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime from which the OrderFileDownload is available
ProductDiscountCreate::$DateFrom in WebServiceTypes.php
The start date of a date-specific discount
ProductDiscount::$DateFrom in WebServiceTypes.php
The start date of a date-specific discount
The start date of a date-specific discount
Order::$DateSent in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime when the Order was marked as delivered
ProductDiscount::$DateTo in WebServiceTypes.php
The end date of a date-specific discount
The end date of a date-specific discount
The end date of a date-specific discount
ProductDiscountUpdate::$DateTo in WebServiceTypes.php
The end date of a date-specific discount
OrderFileDownload::$DateTo in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime when the OrderFileDownload will become unavailable
ProductDiscountCreate::$DateTo in WebServiceTypes.php
The end date of a date-specific discount
The end date of a date-specific discount
ProductCreate::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime of the lastest update of the Product
UserCreate::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the User was last updated
ProductUpdate::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime of the lastest update of the Product
Product::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime of the lastest update of the Product
User::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the User was last updated
Order::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime of the last update performed on the Order
ProductCreateUpdate::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime of the lastest update of the Product
UserUpdate::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the User was last updated
UserCreateUpdate::$DateUpdated in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime the User was last updated
CurrencyUpdate::$Decimal in WebServiceTypes.php
The decimal character for the currency
CurrencyCreate::$Decimal in WebServiceTypes.php
The decimal character for the currency
Currency::$Decimal in WebServiceTypes.php
The decimal character for the currency
OrderCurrency::$Decimal in WebServiceTypes.php
The decimal character for the currency
CurrencyUpdate::$DecimalCount in WebServiceTypes.php
The number of decimals after the decimalmark of the currency
Currency::$DecimalCount in WebServiceTypes.php
The number of decimals after the decimalmark of the currency
CurrencyCreate::$DecimalCount in WebServiceTypes.php
The number of decimals after the decimalmark of the currency
The default value of NewsletterCustomField
The default value of NewsletterCustomField
NewsletterCustomField::$Default in WebServiceTypes.php
The default value of NewsletterCustomField
Product::$Delivery in WebServiceTypes.php
the Delivery of the Product
Order::$Delivery in WebServiceTypes.php
The Delivery of the Order
Order::$DeliveryComment in WebServiceTypes.php
The delivery comment of the Order
OrderCreate::$DeliveryComment in WebServiceTypes.php
The delivery comment of the Order
OrderLineAddress::$DeliveryDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The Delivery Date of the OrderLineAddress
Delivery::$DeliveryEstimate in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Delivery should be included in a Delivery Estimate
OrderLine::$DeliveryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The delivery id of the OrderLine
ProductCreate::$DeliveryId in WebServiceTypes.php
the id of the Delivery of the Product
OrderCreate::$DeliveryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Delivery of the Order
ProductUpdate::$DeliveryId in WebServiceTypes.php
the id of the Delivery of the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$DeliveryId in WebServiceTypes.php
the id of the Delivery of the Product
Product::$DeliveryId in WebServiceTypes.php
the id of the Delivery of the Product
Order::$DeliveryId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Delivery of the Order
OrderDelivery::$DeliveryMethodId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the order of the delivery method of the delivery
OrderCreate::$DeliveryPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
Optional. The price of the Delivery of the Order without VAT Precision = 2 decimals
OrderLineAddress::$DeliveryTime in WebServiceTypes.php
The Delivery Time of the OrderLineAddress
Product::$DeliveryTime in WebServiceTypes.php
the DeliveryTime of this product, (returns null for the "standard" and "standard_lager" types)
ProductVariant::$DeliveryTime in WebServiceTypes.php
the DeliveryTime of this ProductVariant, (returns null for the "standard" and "standard_lager" types)
Order::$DeliveryTime in WebServiceTypes.php
The delivery time of the Order
OrderCreate::$DeliveryTime in WebServiceTypes.php
The delivery time of the Order
ProductVariant::$DeliveryTimeId in WebServiceTypes.php
the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)
the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)
Product::$DeliveryTimeId in WebServiceTypes.php
the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)
the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)
the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)
the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)
ProductUpdate::$DeliveryTimeId in WebServiceTypes.php
the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)
ProductCreate::$DeliveryTimeId in WebServiceTypes.php
the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)
OrderCreate::$DeliveryVat in WebServiceTypes.php
Optional. The VAT of the Delivery of the Order Precision = 2 decimals
CategoryUpdate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Category::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductVariantCreate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
UserGroup::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the UserGroup in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
UserGroupCreate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the UserGroup in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
UserGroupUpdate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the UserGroup in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
UserCreateUpdate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the User
UserCreate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the User
UserUpdate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the User
ProductCreateUpdate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreateUpdate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PaymentMethod::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the PaymentMethed
ProductVariant::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductVariantUpdate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUpdate::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
User::$Description in WebServiceTypes.php
The description of the User
CategoryCreate::$DescriptionBottom in WebServiceTypes.php
The bottom description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryUpdate::$DescriptionBottom in WebServiceTypes.php
The bottom description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Category::$DescriptionBottom in WebServiceTypes.php
The bottom description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The bottom description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The long description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductVariant::$DescriptionLong in WebServiceTypes.php
The long description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The long description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The long description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$DescriptionLong in WebServiceTypes.php
The long description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUpdate::$DescriptionLong in WebServiceTypes.php
The long description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The long description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$DescriptionLong in WebServiceTypes.php
The long description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUpdate::$DescriptionShort in WebServiceTypes.php
The short description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The short description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$DescriptionShort in WebServiceTypes.php
The short description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$DescriptionShort in WebServiceTypes.php
The short description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$DisableOnEmpty in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Product should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock
Indicates whether or not the ProductVariant should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock
ProductCreate::$DisableOnEmpty in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Product should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock
Indicates whether or not the ProductVariant should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock
Indicates whether or not the ProductVariant should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock
Indicates whether or not the Product should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock
ProductVariant::$DisableOnEmpty in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the ProductVariant should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock
ProductUpdate::$DisableOnEmpty in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Product should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock
ProductUpdate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The discount on the Product
The total discount for this discount
ProductDiscountCreate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The total discount for this discount
The total discount for this discount
ProductVariant::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The discount on the ProductVariant
The total discount for this discount
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The total discount for this discount
DiscountGroup::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the DiscountGroup (either percentage of fixed amount according to the Type)
ProductDiscount::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The total discount for this discount
ProductVariantUpdate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The discount on the ProductVariant
The discount on the ProductVariant
Product::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The discount on the Product
OrderLineCreate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
Optional. The discount given on the Product of the Orderline without VAT Precision = 2 decimals
OrderDiscountCode::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The actual discount amount given on the Order
OrderLine::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The discount given on the Product of the OrderLine when the Order was made
DiscountGroupUpdate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the DiscountGroup (either percentage of fixed amount according to the Type)
ProductCreate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The discount on the Product
DiscountGroupCreate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the DiscountGroup (either percentage of fixed amount according to the Type)
ProductCreateUpdate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The discount on the Product
ProductVariantCreate::$Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
The discount on the ProductVariant
Order::$DiscountCodes in WebServiceTypes.php
The Discounts of the Order
Product::$DiscountGroup in WebServiceTypes.php
The DiscountGroup of this Product
The id of the DiscountGroup of this Product
ProductUpdate::$DiscountGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup of this Product
UserCreateUpdate::$DiscountGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup of the User
UserCreate::$DiscountGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup of the User
User::$DiscountGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup of the User
UserUpdate::$DiscountGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup of the User
ProductCreate::$DiscountGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup of this Product
Product::$DiscountGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup of this Product
OrderDiscountCode::$DiscountId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Discount of the OrderDiscountCode
OrderLine::$DiscountRounded in WebServiceTypes.php
The rounded discount given on the Product of the OrderLine when the Order was made
Product::$Discounts in WebServiceTypes.php
The custom discounts on this product
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount
ProductVariant::$DiscountType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount
ProductCreate::$DiscountType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount
ProductDiscount::$DiscountType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' to indicate a percentage or 'a' for amount
ProductCreateUpdate::$DiscountType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount
ProductUpdate::$DiscountType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' to indicate a percentage or 'a' for amount
Product::$DiscountType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount
The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' to indicate a percentage or 'a' for amount
CustomDataTypeUpdate::$Display in WebServiceTypes.php
The Whether or not to display the CustomDataType
ProductCustomDataType::$Display in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not to display the ProductCustomDataType on the product page
Whether or not to display the ProductCustomDataType on the product page
CustomDataTypeCreate::$Display in WebServiceTypes.php
The Whether or not to display the CustomDataType
CustomDataType::$Display in WebServiceTypes.php
The Whether or not to display the CustomDataType
Whether or not to display the ProductCustomDataType on the product page
OrderDelivery::$DroppointId in WebServiceTypes.php
The the drop point id of the Delivery. NOTE the length of this field is limited to int32. For longer ids please use DroppointIdLong
OrderDelivery::$DroppointIdLong in WebServiceTypes.php
The the drop point id of the Delivery
Delivery in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Delivery
Delivery_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns all Delivery Methods
Delivery_GetByLocation() in WebService.php
Returns Deliveries available in the supplied region
Delivery_UpdateDropPoint() in WebService.php
Updates the DropPointId of an OrderDelivery
Discount in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a Discount
DiscountCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a Discount
DiscountGroup in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a DiscountGroup
DiscountGroupCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a DiscountGroup
DiscountGroupProduct in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a DiscountGroupProduct
DiscountGroupProductCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a DiscountGroupProduct
DiscountGroupProductUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a DiscountGroupProduct
Creates a new DiscountGroupProduct
Deletes a DiscountGroupProduct
Returns all DiscountGroupProducts
Returns the indicated DiscountGroupProduct
Returns the indicated DiscountGroupProduct
Updates a DiscountGroupProduct
DiscountGroupUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a DiscountGroup
DiscountGroup_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new DiscountGroup
DiscountGroup_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a DiscountGroup
DiscountGroup_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns all DiscountGroups
DiscountGroup_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated DiscountGroup
DiscountGroup_GetByTitle() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated DiscountGroup
DiscountGroup_Update() in WebService.php
Updates a DiscountGroup
DiscountUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a Discount
Discount_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new Discount
Discount_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a Discount
Discount_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns all Discounts.
Discount_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated Discount.
Discount_Update() in WebService.php
Updates a Discount
ProductUpdate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the Product
UserUpdate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the User
ProductCreateUpdate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the Product
UserCreateUpdate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the User
ProductVariant::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the Variant
ProductVariantCreate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the Product
UserCreate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the User
User::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the User
ProductVariantUpdate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the Product
ProductVariantCreateUpdate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the Product
Product::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the Product
ProductCreate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ean number of the Product
OrderCustomer::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The EAN number of the customer
OrderCustomerCreate::$Ean in WebServiceTypes.php
The EAN number of the customer
OrderCustomer::$Email in WebServiceTypes.php
The Email address of the customer
ShopWebinfo::$Email in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the webshop
UserCreate::$Email in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the User
User::$Email in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$Email in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the User
OrderCustomerCreate::$Email in WebServiceTypes.php
The Email address of the customer
UserUpdate::$Email in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the User
ShopWebinfo::$EmailDummy in WebServiceTypes.php
The email dummy email address for emails sent from the webshop
CustomDataTypeCreate::$Entity in WebServiceTypes.php
The entity type of the CustomDataType
CustomDataType::$Entity in WebServiceTypes.php
The entity type of the CustomDataType
CustomDataTypeUpdate::$Entity in WebServiceTypes.php
The entity type of the CustomDataType
OrderTransactionCreate::$Errorcode in WebServiceTypes.php
The errorcode returned by the payment gateway
OrderTransaction::$Errorcode in WebServiceTypes.php
The errorcode returned by the payment gateway
Extended product data (displayed externally) of the OrderLine
OrderLine::$ExtendedDataExternal in WebServiceTypes.php
Extended product data (displayed externally) of the OrderLine
Extended product data (displayed internally) of the OrderLine
OrderLine::$ExtendedDataInternal in WebServiceTypes.php
Extended product data (displayed internally) of the OrderLine
The id of the ProductExtraBuyCategory of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
The id of the ProductExtraBuyCategory of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
The id of the ProductExtraBuyCategory of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
Product::$ExtraBuyRelations in WebServiceTypes.php
Returns ProductExtraBuyRelations of the Product
UserCreate::$Fax in WebServiceTypes.php
The fax number of the User
ShopWebinfo::$Fax in WebServiceTypes.php
The fax number of the webshop
UserCreateUpdate::$Fax in WebServiceTypes.php
The fax number of the User
User::$Fax in WebServiceTypes.php
The fax number of the User
UserUpdate::$Fax in WebServiceTypes.php
The fax number of the User
OrderLine::$FileDownloadId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderFileDownload of the OrderLine
OrderLineCreate::$FileDownloadId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderFileDownload of the OrderLine
ProductPicture::$FileName in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the actual file of the Picture (path relative to /shop/ folder)
ProductFileUpdate::$FileName in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the actual file of the ProductFile (path relative to /pics/ folder)
ProductPictureCreate::$FileName in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the actual file of the Picture (path relative to /shop/ folder)
UserPicture::$FileName in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the actual file of the UserPicture
ProductFileCreate::$FileName in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the actual file of the ProductFile (path relative to /pics/ folder)
ProductPictureUpdate::$FileName in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the actual file of the Picture (path relative to /shop/ folder)
ProductFile::$FileName in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the actual file of the ProductFile
UserCreateUpdate::$Firstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the user
OrderCustomerCreate::$Firstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the customer
UserCreate::$Firstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the user
OrderCustomer::$Firstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the customer
OrderLineAddress::$Firstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The Firstname of the OrderLineAddress
User::$Firstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the user
UserUpdate::$Firstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the user
Delivery::$FixedDelivery in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Delivery is available for Fixed Delivery
PaymentMethodOnline::$FixedFee in WebServiceTypes.php
The fixed fee of the PaymentMethodOnline
PaymentMethod::$FixedFee in WebServiceTypes.php
The fixed fee of the PaymentMethod
Product::$FocusCart in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Product should be displayed beneath the cart for extra focus
ProductCreateUpdate::$FocusCart in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Product should be displayed beneath the cart for extra focus
ProductCreate::$FocusCart in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Product should be displayed beneath the cart for extra focus
ProductUpdate::$FocusCart in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Product should be displayed beneath the cart for extra focus
ProductUpdate::$FocusFrontpage in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Product should be displayed beneath the frontpage content for extra focus
Whether or not the Product should be displayed beneath the frontpage content for extra focus
Product::$FocusFrontpage in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Product should be displayed beneath the frontpage content for extra focus
ProductCreate::$FocusFrontpage in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Product should be displayed beneath the frontpage content for extra focus
Delivery::$FreeDeliveryActive in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Delivery has free delivery active
Delivery::$FreeDeliveryPrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The price limit to activate free delivery
OrderPacking::$From in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the sender of the packing
PaymentMethod::$GatewayPassword in WebServiceTypes.php
The password used to connect to the payment gateway for online payments. This field is DEPRECATED and no longer in use.
PaymentMethod::$GatewayUserId in WebServiceTypes.php
The userid used to connect to the payment gateway for online payments. This field is DEPRECATED and no longer in use.
PaymentMethod::$GatewayUserName in WebServiceTypes.php
The username used to connect to the payment gateway for online payments. This field is DEPRECATED and no longer in use.
ProductUpdate::$GuidelinePrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The guideline price of the product
The guideline price of the product
Product::$GuidelinePrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The guideline price of the product
ProductCreate::$GuidelinePrice in WebServiceTypes.php
The guideline price of the product
PageTextUpdate::$Headline in WebServiceTypes.php
The headline of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageTextCreate::$Headline in WebServiceTypes.php
The headline of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageText::$Headline in WebServiceTypes.php
The headline of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PaymentMethodOnline::$Icons in WebServiceTypes.php
The icons (html) of the PaymentMethodOnline
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductDiscount
The id of the ProductDiscountAccumulative
ProductDiscount::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductDiscount
ProductExtraBuyCategory::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductExtraBuyCategory
ProductDiscountAccumulative::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductDiscountAccumulative
ProductExtraBuyCategoryUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductExtraBuyCategory
ProductFile::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductFile
ProductExtraBuyRelationUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
ProductExtraBuyRelation::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
ProductDeliveryTimeUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DeliveryTime
ProductDeliveryCountryUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DeliveryCountry
ProductCustomData::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductCustomData
ProductAdditionalType::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductAdditionalType
ProductAdditional::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductAdditional
Product::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product
Category::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Category
ProductCustomDataTypeUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductCustomDataType
ProductFileUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductFile
ProductDeliveryCountry::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DeliveryCountry
ProductCustomDataUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductCustomData
ProductDeliveryTime::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DeliveryTime
ProductPicture::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Picture
User::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the User
SolutionLanguage::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the SolutionLanguage
Site::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Site
SeoRedirect::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Discount
UserGroup::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the UserGroup
UserGroupUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the UserGroup
VatGroupUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the VatGroup
VatGroup::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the VatGroup
UserUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the User
UserPicture::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the UserPicture
ProductVariantUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantTypeValueUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductVariantTypeValue
ProductUnitUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductUnit
ProductUnit::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductUnit
ProductTag::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Tag
ProductPictureUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Picture
ProductUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product to update
ProductVariant::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantTypeValue::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductVariantTypeValue
ProductVariantTypeUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductVariantType
ProductVariantType::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductVariantType
PaymentMethodOnline::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PaymentMethodOnline
ProductCustomDataType::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductCustomDataType
PaymentMethod::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PaymentMethed
DiscountGroupUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup
DiscountGroupProductUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroupProduct
DiscountGroupProduct::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroupProduct
NewsletterCustomField::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of NewsletterCustomField
NewsletterCustomFieldCreate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of NewsletterCustomField
OrderCustomer::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderCustomer
OrderCurrency::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderCurrency
Order::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Order
NewsletterCustomFieldUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of NewsletterCustomField
DiscountGroup::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the DiscountGroup
Discount::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Discount
Currency::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Currency
CategoryUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Category
CategoryPictureUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CategoryPicture
CategoryPicture::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CategoryPicture
CurrencyUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Currency
CustomData::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CustomData
Delivery::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Delivery
CustomDataUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CustomData
CustomDataTypeUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CustomDataType
CustomDataType::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the CustomDataType
OrderDelivery::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the delivery
DiscountUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Discount
OrderTransaction::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderTransaction
OrderDiscountCode::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderDiscountCode
OrderPayment::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the payment
PacketProductLine::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PacketLine
PagePicture::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PagePicture
PageTextUpdate::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PageText
PageText::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PageText
OrderPacking::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the packing
OrderStatusCode::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Order Status Code
OrderFileDownload::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderFileDownload
OrderLine::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderLine
OrderLineAddress::$Id in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderLineAddress
ShopSettings::$InfoPageId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PageText object of the Info page of the webshop
UserCreate::$InterestFields in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids InterestGroups of this User
User::$InterestFields in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids InterestGroups of this User
UserCreateUpdate::$InterestFields in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids InterestGroups of this User
UserGroup::$InterestFields in WebServiceTypes.php
The interest fields of this group by the indicated service id
UserUpdate::$InterestFields in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids InterestGroups of this User
Order::$InvoiceNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The invoice number of the Order
ProductDeliveryCountryCreate::$Iso in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO of the DeliveryCountry
ProductDeliveryCountryUpdate::$Iso in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO of the DeliveryCountry
CurrencyUpdate::$Iso in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISOcode of the Currency
ProductDeliveryCountry::$Iso in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO of the DeliveryCountry
Currency::$Iso in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISOcode of the Currency
OrderCurrency::$Iso in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISOcode of the OrderCurrency
CurrencyCreate::$Iso in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISOcode of the Currency
ProductCreate::$ItemNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The item number of the Product
Product::$ItemNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The item number of the Product
ProductVariantUpdate::$ItemNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The item number of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantCreate::$ItemNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The item number of the ProductVariant
ProductVariant::$ItemNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The item number of the ProductVariant
ProductUpdate::$ItemNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The item number of the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$ItemNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The item number of the Product
The item number of the ProductVariant
OrderLine::$ItemNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The item number of the Product of the OrderLine when the Order was made
ProductUpdate::$ItemNumberSupplier in WebServiceTypes.php
The supplier item number of the Product
Product::$ItemNumberSupplier in WebServiceTypes.php
The supplier item number of the Product
The supplier item number of the Product
ProductCreate::$ItemNumberSupplier in WebServiceTypes.php
The supplier item number of the Product
The supplier item number of the Product
The supplier item number of the Product
The supplier item number of the Product
OrderLine::$ItemNumberSupplier in WebServiceTypes.php
The supplier item number of the Product
The supplier item number of the Product
The iso of the language on which the discount is active, '' for all
The iso of the language on which the discount is active, '' for all
ProductDiscountCreate::$Language in WebServiceTypes.php
The iso of the language on which the discount is active, '' for all
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Language in WebServiceTypes.php
The iso of the language on which the discount is active, '' for all
ProductDiscount::$Language in WebServiceTypes.php
The iso of the language on which the discount is active, '' for all
The iso of the language on which the discount is active, '' for all
CategoryUpdate::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
Product::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID. Empty indicates that the Entity has no limit on access.
PaymentMethod::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID. Empty indicates that the Entity has no limit on access.
CategoryCreate::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
PageTextCreate::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
PageTextUpdate::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
PageText::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
Category::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
ProductUpdate::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
ProductCreate::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
PagePicture::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
User::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
UserCreate::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
UserUpdate::$LanguageAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID
The language ISO code of the ProductExtraBuyCategory for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductTag::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the Tag for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductDeliveryTime::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the ProductDeliveryTime
The language ISO code of the ProductDeliveryTime
The language ISO code of the ProductDeliveryTime
The language Language ISO code of the ProductCustomData for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language ISO code of the ProductExtraBuyCategory for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language ISO code of the ProductExtraBuyCategory for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductUnitUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the ProductUnit for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
UserCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The selected frontend Language ISO of the User
User::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The selected frontend Language ISO of the User
SolutionLanguage::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the Solutionlanguage
Site::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the Site for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
UserCreateUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The selected frontend Language ISO of the User
UserGroup::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the UserGroup for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
UserUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The selected frontend Language ISO of the User
UserGroupUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the UserGroup for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
UserGroupCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the UserGroup for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ShopWebinfo::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the webshop Title for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
SeoRedirect::$LanguageIso in WebServiceTypes.php
The the LanguageISO of the SeoRedirect
ProductVariantType::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the ProductVariantType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the Product for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language ISO code of the ProductCustomDataType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductUnitCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the ProductUnit for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language ISO code of the ProductVariantType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language ISO code of the ProductVariantType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language Language ISO code of the ProductVariantTypeValue for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language Language ISO code of the ProductVariantTypeValue for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language Language ISO code of the ProductVariantTypeValue for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductUnit::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the ProductUnit for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductCreateUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the Product for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
CustomData::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the CustomData for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language ISO code of the ProductCustomDataType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
CategoryUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the Category for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
CategoryCreateUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the Category for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
CustomDataTypeCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the CustomDataType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
OrderStatusCode::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The LanguageISO of the Order Status Code
OrderCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO code of the language of the Order. Defaults to the primary language of the site of the order if not supplied
Order::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO code of the language of the Order.
CustomDataUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the CustomData for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
CustomDataTypeUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the CustomDataType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
Delivery::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the Delivery for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
CustomDataType::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the CustomDataType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
CustomDataCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the CustomData for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
PageText::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the PageText for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
PagePicture::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the PagePicture for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language ISO code of the ProductAdditionalType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductAdditional::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the ProductAdditional for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the Product for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
ProductCustomData::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the ProductCustomData for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language ISO code of the ProductCustomDataType for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
The language Language ISO code of the ProductCustomData for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
CategoryCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the Category for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
Product::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the Product for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
PaymentMethod::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the PaymentMethod for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
Category::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language ISO code of the Category for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
PageTextCreate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the PageText for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
PageTextUpdate::$LanguageISO in WebServiceTypes.php
The language Language ISO code of the PageText for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)
User::$Lastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the user
UserCreate::$Lastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the user
UserUpdate::$Lastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the user
UserCreateUpdate::$Lastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the user
OrderCustomer::$Lastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the customer
OrderLineAddress::$Lastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The Lastname of the OrderLineAddress
OrderCustomerCreate::$Lastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the customer
DiscountUpdate::$Limit in WebServiceTypes.php
The the useage limit of the Discount
DiscountCreate::$Limit in WebServiceTypes.php
The the useage limit of the Discount
Discount::$Limit in WebServiceTypes.php
The the useage limit of the Discount
OrderLine::$LineAddresses in WebServiceTypes.php
The the OrderLineAddresses of this OrderLine
OrderLineAddress::$LineId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the orderline to which this lineaddress belongs
PageTextUpdate::$Link in WebServiceTypes.php
The linktext of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageTextCreate::$Link in WebServiceTypes.php
The linktext of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageText::$Link in WebServiceTypes.php
The linktext of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ShopSettings::$Logo in WebServiceTypes.php
The url of the Logo of the webshop
ProductUpdate::$MinAmount in WebServiceTypes.php
The minimum amount which can be ordered this product
ProductVariantCreate::$MinAmount in WebServiceTypes.php
The minimum amount which can be ordered this product
The minimum amount which can be ordered this product
ProductVariantUpdate::$MinAmount in WebServiceTypes.php
The minimum amount which can be ordered this product
ProductCreateUpdate::$MinAmount in WebServiceTypes.php
The minimum amount which can be ordered this product
ProductVariant::$MinAmount in WebServiceTypes.php
The minimum amount which can be ordered this Variant
ProductCreate::$MinAmount in WebServiceTypes.php
The minimum amount which can be ordered this product
Product::$MinAmount in WebServiceTypes.php
The minimum amount which can be ordered this product
UserCreate::$Mobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the User
UserUpdate::$Mobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$Mobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the User
User::$Mobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the User
OrderCustomer::$Mobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the customer
ShopWebinfo::$Mobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the webshop
OrderCustomerCreate::$Mobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the customer
Delivery::$MultipleAddresses in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Delivery is available for Multiple Address delivery
CategoryPictureUpdate::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the file
NewsletterCustomFieldCreate::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of NewsletterCustomField
NewsletterCustomFieldUpdate::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of NewsletterCustomField
PagePicture::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The path name of the file (relative position from the /pics/ folder)
CategoryPictureCreate::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the file
NewsletterCustomField::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of NewsletterCustomField
VatGroupCreate::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the VatGroup
VatGroup::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the VatGroup
CategoryPicture::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the file
VatGroupUpdate::$Name in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the VatGroup
User::$Newsletter in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the User should receive Newsletters
UserCreateUpdate::$Newsletter in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the User should receive Newsletters
UserCreate::$Newsletter in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the User should receive Newsletters
UserUpdate::$Newsletter in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the User should receive Newsletters
UserUpdate::$Number in WebServiceTypes.php
The number of the User
UserCreate::$Number in WebServiceTypes.php
The number of the User
User::$Number in WebServiceTypes.php
The number of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$Number in WebServiceTypes.php
The number of the User
NewsletterCustomField in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an NewsletterCustomField
NewsletterCustomFieldCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a NewsletterCustomField
NewsletterCustomFieldUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating an NewsletterCustomField
Creates a new NewsletterCustomField
Deletes a NewsletterCustomField
Returns the NewsletterCustomFields of the indicated UserGroup and Type (1: Mailmarketing)
Returns the indicated NewsletterCustomField
Updates a NewsletterCustomField
OrderLine::$OfflineProduct in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not this orderline represents an offline product
Product::$Online in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Product is an online product (filesale)
ProductCreate::$Online in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Product is an online product (filesale)
ProductUpdate::$Online in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Product is an online product (filesale)
ProductCreateUpdate::$Online in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Product is an online product (filesale)
The purchase status of the product when out of stock. 1 for true, 0 for false, blank to inherit value from site
ProductUpdate::$OutOfStockBuy in WebServiceTypes.php
The purchase status of the product when out of stock. 1 for true, 0 for false, blank to inherit value from site
ProductCreate::$OutOfStockBuy in WebServiceTypes.php
The purchase status of the product when out of stock. 1 for true, 0 for false, blank to inherit value from site
Product::$OutOfStockBuy in WebServiceTypes.php
The purchase status of the product when out of stock. 1 for true, 0 for false, blank to inherit value from site
PaymentMethod::$OnlineMethods in WebServiceTypes.php
The PaymentMethedOnline's for the PaymentMethod
Order::$OrderComment in WebServiceTypes.php
The internal comment of the Order
Order::$OrderCommentExternal in WebServiceTypes.php
The external comment of the Order
OrderCreate::$OrderCustomer in WebServiceTypes.php
The Customer of the Order
OrderLine::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the order to which this line belongs
OrderLineCreate::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the order to which this line belongs
OrderPacking::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the order of the packing
OrderDiscountCode::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Order of the OrderDiscountCode
OrderDelivery::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the order of the delivery
OrderCustomerCreate::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Order of the OrderCustomer
OrderCustomer::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Order of the OrderCustomer
OrderCurrency::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the order of the OrderCurrency
OrderPayment::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the order of the payment
OrderFileDownload::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Order of the OrderFileDownload (0 indicates a one-time-download, -1 indidcates an administrator download)
OrderTransactionCreate::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Order of the OrderTransaction
OrderTransaction::$OrderId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Order of the OrderTransaction
Order::$OrderLines in WebServiceTypes.php
The OrderLines of the Order
OrderCreate::$OrderLines in WebServiceTypes.php
The OrderLines of the Order
PaymentMethod::$OrderStatus in WebServiceTypes.php
The status an order should be set to when using this PaymentMethod
OrderCreate::$OrderTransaction in WebServiceTypes.php
The Customer of the Order
Order::$Origin in WebServiceTypes.php
The origin of the Order (default Webshop)
OrderCreate::$Origin in WebServiceTypes.php
The origin of the Order (default Webshop).
Delivery::$OverLimitFeeActive in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Delivery has over limit pricing active
Delivery::$OverLimitFixedFee in WebServiceTypes.php
The fixed fee of the over limit pricing
Delivery::$OverLimitPercentageFee in WebServiceTypes.php
The percentage (of the order price) of the over limit pricing
Order in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Order
OrderCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating an Order
OrderCurrency in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an OrderCurrency
OrderCustomer in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Customer
OrderCustomerCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for Creating an Order Customer
OrderDelivery in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Delivery
OrderDiscountCode in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Discount
OrderFileDownload in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an OrderFileDownload
OrderLine in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Orderline
OrderLineAddress in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an OrderLineAddress
OrderLineCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating an Orderline
OrderPacking in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Packing
OrderPayment in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Payment
OrderStatusCode in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for Order Status Codes
OrderStatusCode_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns information about Order Status Codes.
OrderTransaction in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Transaction
OrderTransactionCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating an Order Transaction
Order_CancelTransaction() in WebService.php
Cancels a transaction in the paymentgateway
Order_CompleteTransaction() in WebService.php
Completes a transaction in the paymentgateway
Activates a klarna invoice
Order_CancelKlarnaInvoice() in WebService.php
Cancels a klarna invoice
Order_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new Order
Order_CreateInvoice() in WebService.php
Creates an invoice with a maturity date for an Order
Order_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns information about all Orders. The output format can be set with Order_SetFields
Order_GetByDate() in WebService.php
Returns information about orders. The output format can be set with Order_SetFields
Order_GetByDateAndUser() in WebService.php
Returns information about orders. The output format can be set with Order_SetFields
Order_GetByDateUpdated() in WebService.php
Returns information about orders. The output format can be set with Order_SetFields
Order_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated Order. The output format can be set with Order_SetFields
Order_GetByNumber() in WebService.php
Returns information about orders. The output format can be set with Order_SetFields
Order_GetBySite() in WebService.php
Returns information about orders. The output format can be set with Order_SetFields
Order_GetByStatus() in WebService.php
Returns information about orders. The output format can be set with Order_SetFields
Order_GetCurrency() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated OrderCurrency
Order_GetCustomer() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated OrderCustomer
Order_GetDelivery() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated OrderDelivery
Order_GetDiscountCodes() in WebService.php
Returns the OrderDiscountCodes for the indicated Order
Order_GetFileDownload() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated OrderFileDownload
Order_GetLineAddresses() in WebService.php
Returns the OrderLineAddresses of the indicated OrderLine.
Order_GetLines() in WebService.php
Returns the OrderLines of the indicated Order. The output format can be set with Order_SetOrderLineFields
Order_GetPacking() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated OrderPacking
Order_GetPayment() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated OrderPayment
Order_GetTransactions() in WebService.php
Returns the OrderTransactions of the indicated Order
Order_LowerTransaction() in WebService.php
Lowers a transaction in the payment gateway
Order_SendInvoiceEmail() in WebService.php
Sends an invoice e-mail for an Order. Note: an email can only be sent once per order
Order_SendStatusEmail() in WebService.php
Sends a status e-mail for an Order for its current order status. Note: an email can only be sent once per order and status
Order_SetFields() in WebService.php
Sets the output format for all methods returning Order Objects. If not set, the output format includes the Id
Order_SetOrderLineFields() in WebService.php
Sets the outputformat for all methods returning OrderLine Objects. If not set, the output format includes only the Id
Order_SetTransactionCode() in WebService.php
Creates an order transaction based on order data
Order_UpdateComment() in WebService.php
Updates the comment of the order
Updates the service type of an order line
Order_UpdateLineStatus() in WebService.php
Updates the status of an order line
Updates the trackingcode of an order line
Order_UpdateServiceType() in WebService.php
Updates the service type of an order
Order_UpdateSite() in WebService.php
Updates the order site
Order_UpdateStatus() in WebService.php
Updates the order status
Order_UpdateTrackingCode() in WebService.php
Updates the order trackingcode
OrderLine::$PacketId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductVariants represented by the OrderLine when the Order was made
OrderLine::$PacketLines in WebServiceTypes.php
Contains the Orderlines in the Package represented by the OrderLine, if any
Product::$PacketProducts in WebServiceTypes.php
The PacketproductLines of the Product
OrderLine::$PacketTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The packet title of the OrderLine when the Order was made
Order::$Packing in WebServiceTypes.php
The Packing of the Order
Order::$PackingId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Packing of the Order
CategoryCreate::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent Category of the Category
Category::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent Category of the Category
UserGroupUpdate::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent UserGroup of the UserGroup (0 if the UserGroup is a main group)
ProductExtraBuyCategory::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent ProductExtraBuyCategory of the ProductExtraBuyCategory
The id of the parent ProductExtraBuyCategory of the ProductExtraBuyCategory
UserGroupCreate::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent UserGroup of the UserGroup (0 if the UserGroup is a main group)
The id of the parent ProductExtraBuyCategory of the ProductExtraBuyCategory
CategoryCreateUpdate::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent Category of the Category
PageText::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent Page of this PageText
UserGroup::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent UserGroup of the UserGroup (0 if the UserGroup is a main group)
PageTextUpdate::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent Page of this PageText
PageTextCreate::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent Page of this PageText
CategoryUpdate::$ParentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the parent Category of the Category
UserCreateUpdate::$Password in WebServiceTypes.php
The password of the User
UserUpdate::$Password in WebServiceTypes.php
The password of the User
User::$Password in WebServiceTypes.php
The password of the User
UserCreate::$Password in WebServiceTypes.php
The password of the User
Order::$Payment in WebServiceTypes.php
The Payment of the Order
PaymentMethod::$PaymentAcceptPath in WebServiceTypes.php
The local path to the Accept url to call after offline payments
OrderTransactionCreate::$PaymentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PaymentMethod of the OrderTransaction
OrderTransaction::$PaymentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Payment of the OrderTransaction
Order::$PaymentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Payment of the Order
OrderCreate::$PaymentId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Payment of the Order
OrderPayment::$PaymentMethodId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the payment method of the payment
OrderCreate::$PaymentOnlineId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Payment online of the Order
PaymentMethod::$PercentageFee in WebServiceTypes.php
The the percentage fee (of the order price) of the PaymentMethod
The the percentage fee (of the order price) of the PaymentMethodOnline
OrderCustomer::$Phone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the customer
UserCreateUpdate::$Phone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the User
UserUpdate::$Phone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the User
ShopWebinfo::$Phone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the webshop
User::$Phone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the User
UserCreate::$Phone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the User
OrderCustomerCreate::$Phone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the customer
ProductVariantTypeValue::$Picture in WebServiceTypes.php
The path to the picture file of the ProductVariantTypeValue
ProductVariantCreate::$PictureId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Picture of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantUpdate::$PictureId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Picture of the ProductVariant
ProductVariant::$PictureId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Picture of the ProductVariant
The id of the Picture of the ProductVariant
ProductVariant::$PictureIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the Pictures of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantUpdate::$PictureIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the Pictures of the ProductVariant
The ids of the Pictures of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantCreate::$PictureIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the Pictures of the ProductVariant
PageText::$Pictures in WebServiceTypes.php
The PagePictures of the PageText
Product::$Pictures in WebServiceTypes.php
The ProductPictures of the Product
OrderCurrency::$Point in WebServiceTypes.php
The thousand seperator character for the currency
CurrencyUpdate::$Point in WebServiceTypes.php
The thousand seperator character for the currency
CurrencyCreate::$Point in WebServiceTypes.php
The thousand seperator character for the currency
Currency::$Point in WebServiceTypes.php
The thousand seperator character for the currency
Product::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The sellingprice of the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The sellingprice of the Product
ProductCreate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The sellingprice of the Product
ProductAdditional::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of the ProductAdditional
ProductDiscountCreate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price per product for this discount
Delivery::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of this Delivery method (calculated from the Weight of the order supplied in Delivery_GetByRegion)
OrderDelivery::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of the delivery
ProductVariantCreate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of this ProductVariant
ProductUpdate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The sellingprice of the Product
ProductVariant::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of this ProductVariant
ProductVariantCreateUpdate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of this ProductVariant
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price per product for this discount
ProductVariantUpdate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of this ProductVariant
OrderPayment::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of the payment
OrderLine::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price of the Product represented when the Order was made
ProductDiscount::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
The price per product for this discount
OrderLineCreate::$Price in WebServiceTypes.php
Optional. The price of the Product of the Orderline without VAT Precision = 2 decimals
OrderLine::$PriceRounded in WebServiceTypes.php
The rounded price of the Product represented when the Order was made
Delivery::$Primary in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Delivery is the primary delivery method
ProductDeliveryCountry::$Primary in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates wether or not this is the primary DeliveryCountry
SolutionLanguage::$Primary in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not this is the primary SolutionLanguage of the shop
Indicates wether or not this is the primary DeliveryCountry
Indicates wether or not this is the primary DeliveryCountry
UserGroupCreate::$Producer in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the UserGroup is a producer
Product::$Producer in WebServiceTypes.php
The producer (User) of the Product
UserGroupUpdate::$Producer in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the UserGroup is a producer
UserGroup::$Producer in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the UserGroup is a producer
ProductUpdate::$ProducerId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the producer (User) of the Product
ProductCreate::$ProducerId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the producer (User) of the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$ProducerId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the producer (User) of the Product
Product::$ProducerId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the producer (User) of the Product
PacketProductLine::$Product in WebServiceTypes.php
The Product of the PacketLine
The id of the ProductAdditionalType of the ProductAdditional
The id of the ProductCustomData of the ProductCustomData
The id of the ProductCustomData of the ProductCustomData
The id of the ProductCustomData of the ProductCustomData
The ids of the ProductCustomData of the ProductCustomData seperated by ,
The id of the ProductCustomType of the ProductCustomData
The id of the ProductCustomType of the ProductCustomData
The id of the ProductCustomType of the ProductCustomData
ProductVariant::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductVariant
ProductPictureUpdate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductPicture
The id of the Product of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantUpdate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductVariant
ProductPictureCreate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductPicture
ProductVariantCreate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductVariant
ProductDiscountUpdate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductDiscount
OrderFileDownload::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the OrderFileDownload
ProductDiscountCreate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductDiscount
ProductDiscount::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductDiscount
OrderLine::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the product of the OrderLine
The id of the Product of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
The id of the Product of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
ProductFileUpdate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductFile
ProductFileCreate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductFile
ProductFile::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductFile
The id of the Product of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
ProductPicture::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Product of the ProductPicture
OrderLineCreate::$ProductId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the product of the OrderLine. NOTE that packet products are not supported
Discount::$ProductIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the products related to this Discount
DiscountCreate::$ProductIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the products related to this Discount
DiscountUpdate::$ProductIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the products related to this Discount
ShopWebinfo::$ProductPricesWithVat in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the prices of the Products has vat included
Wether or not to display deliverytime for products in the webshop
Wether or not to display itemnumber of products in the webshop
ShopSettings::$ProductShowWeight in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not to display weight of products in the webshop
OrderLine::$ProductTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Product represented by the OrderLine when the Order was made
Product::$ProductUrl in WebServiceTypes.php
The url for the product
The id of the ProductVariant of the ProductDiscount, 0 if none
ProductDiscount::$ProductVariantId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductVariant of the ProductDiscount, 0 if none
The id of the ProductVariant of the ProductDiscount, 0 if none
The id of the VariantType of this ProductVariantTypeValue
The id of the VariantType of this ProductVariantTypeValue
The id of the VariantType of this ProductVariantTypeValue
PacketProductLine in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an PacketProductLine
PagePicture in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a PagePicture
PageText in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a PageText
PageTextCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a PageText
PageTextUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a PageText
PageText_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new PageText.
PageText_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a PageText
PageText_GetByFolder() in WebService.php
Returns the PageTexts of the indicated folder. The output format can be set with PageText_SetFields
PageText_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated PageText. The output format can be set with PageText_SetFields
PageText_GetByIds() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated PageTexts. The output format can be set with PageText_SetFields
PageText_GetByLink() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated PageText. The output format can be set with PageText_SetFields
PageText_SetFields() in WebService.php
Sets the outputformat for all methods returning PageText Objects. If not set, the output format includes only the Id
PageText_SetThumbOptions() in WebService.php
Sets the format for the thumbnails returned in PageText objects
PageText_Update() in WebService.php
Updates a PageText.
Page_DeletePicture() in WebService.php
Deletes a PagePicture
Page_GetPictures() in WebService.php
Returns the PagePictures of the indicated Page.
Page_GetPictureThumbnails() in WebService.php
Returns the PagePictures of the indicated Page.
PaymentMethod in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a PaymentMethod
PaymentMethodOnline in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for an online PaymentMethod
Payment_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns all Payment Methods
Payment_GetByCountry() in WebService.php
Returns the available PaymentMethods for the given country code
Product in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a Product
ProductAdditional in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject Product ProductAdditional
ProductAdditionalType in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject Product ProductAdditionalType
ProductCategorySorting in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for product category sorting
ProductCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a Product.
ProductCreateUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating or updating a Product.
ProductCustomData in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject ProductCustomData
ProductCustomDataCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductCustomData
ProductCustomDataType in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject Product CustomDataType
ProductCustomDataTypeCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a Product CustomDataType
ProductCustomDataTypeUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a Product CustomDataType
ProductCustomDataUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductCustomData
ProductDeliveryCountry in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a ProductDeliveryCountry
ProductDeliveryCountryCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductDeliveryCountry
ProductDeliveryCountryUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductDeliveryCountry
ProductDeliveryTime in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a ProductDeliveryTime
ProductDeliveryTimeCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductDeliveryTime
ProductDeliveryTimeUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductDeliveryTime
ProductDiscount in WebServiceTypes.php
This class represents a dataobject for a ProductDiscount
ProductDiscountAccumulative in WebServiceTypes.php
This class represents a dataobject for a ProductDiscountAccumulative
ProductDiscountAccumulativeCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductDiscountAccumulative
ProductDiscountAccumulativeUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductDiscountAccumulative
ProductDiscountCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductDiscount
ProductDiscountUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductDiscount
ProductExtraBuyCategory in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a ProductExtraBuyCategory
ProductExtraBuyCategoryCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductExtraBuyCategory
ProductExtraBuyCategoryUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductExtraBuyCategory
ProductExtraBuyRelation in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a ProductExtraBuy
ProductExtraBuyRelationCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductExtraBuyRelation.
ProductExtraBuyRelationUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductExtraBuyRelation.
ProductFile in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a ProductFile
ProductFileCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductFile.
ProductFileUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductFile.
ProductPicture in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a ProductPicture
ProductPictureCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductPicture.
ProductPictureUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductPicture.
ProductTag in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a Tag
ProductUnit in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a ProductUnit
ProductUnitCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductUnit
ProductUnitUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updationg a ProductUnit
ProductUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a Product.
ProductVariant in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject Product Variant
ProductVariantCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a ProductVariant.
ProductVariantCreateUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating or updating a ProductVariant.
ProductVariantType in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject Product Variant Type
ProductVariantTypeCreateUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating or updating a Product Variant Type
ProductVariantTypeUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a Product Variant Type
ProductVariantTypeValue in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject Product Variant Type Value
This Class represents a dataobject for creating or updating a Product Variant Type
ProductVariantTypeValueUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a Product Variant Type Value
ProductVariantUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductVariant.
Product_AddAdditionalType() in WebService.php
Adds an existing ProductAdditionalType to the indicated Product
Product_AddCustomData() in WebService.php
Adds an existing ProductCostumData to the indicated Product
Product_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new Product
Product_CreateCustomData() in WebService.php
Creates a new ProductCustomData
Creates a new ProductCustomDataType
Creates a new ProductDeliveryCountry
Creates a new ProductDeliveryTime
Product_CreateDiscount() in WebService.php
Creates a new ProductDiscount
Creates a ProductDiscountAccumulative
Creates a new ProductExtraBuyCategory
Creates a new ProductExtraBuyRelation
Product_CreateFile() in WebService.php
Creates a new ProductFile
Product_CreateOrUpdate() in WebService.php
Creates or Updates a Product using its ItemNumber as key. Assumes that only unique ItemNumbers exist in the shop. If the Itemnumber supplied is not found a new product is created
Creates or Updates a ProductVariant using its ItemNumber as key. Assumes that only unique ItemNumbers exist in the shop. If the Itemnumber supplied is not found a new ProductVariant is created
Creates or Updates a ProductVariantType using Title as key. Assumes that only unique ProductVariantType Titles in a given language exist in the shop. If the Title supplied is not found a new ProductVariantType is created
Creates or Updates a ProductVariantTypeValue using Title and ProductVariantType id as keys. If the Title supplied is not found a new ProductVariantTypeValue is created
Product_CreatePicture() in WebService.php
Creates a new ProductPicture
Product_CreateUnit() in WebService.php
Creates a new ProductUnit
Product_CreateVariant() in WebService.php
Creates a new ProductVariant
Product_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a Product
Product_DeleteAdditional() in WebService.php
Deletes a ProductAdditional
Deletes all ProductDiscountAccumulatives of a DiscountGroupProduct
Deletes all ProductDiscountAccumulatives of a Product
Deletes all ProductDiscounts of a Product
Product_DeleteCustomData() in WebService.php
Deletes a ProductCustomData
Deletes a ProductCustomDataType
Deletes a ProductDeliveryCountry
Deletes a ProductDeliveryTime
Product_DeleteDiscount() in WebService.php
Deletes a ProductDiscount
Deletes a ProductDiscountAccumulative
Deletes a ProductExtraBuyCategory
Deletes a ProductExtraBuyRelation
Product_DeleteFile() in WebService.php
Deletes a ProductPicture
Product_DeletePicture() in WebService.php
Deletes a ProductPicture
Product_DeleteTag() in WebService.php
Deletes a ProductTag
Product_DeleteUnit() in WebService.php
Deletes a ProductUnit
Product_DeleteVariant() in WebService.php
Deletes a ProductVariant
Product_GetAdditionals() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductAdditionals of the indicated ProductAdditionalType
Returns the ProductAdditionalTypes of the indicated Product
Returns all ProductAdditionalTypes of the solution
Product_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns information about Products. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Returns all ProductExtraBuyCategories
Product_GetAllWithLimit() in WebService.php
Equal to Product_GetAll, however it returns only $Length amount of products starting as index $Start. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Product_GetByBrand() in WebService.php
Returns the products with this brand. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Product_GetByCategory() in WebService.php
Returns the products with this category as their main category. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Returns the products with this category as their main or secondary category. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Product_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated Product. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Product_GetByIds() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated Product. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Product_GetByItemNumber() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated Product. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Product_GetByUpdatedDate() in WebService.php
Returns information about Products that have been updated within the supplied start- and end dates. The output format can be set with Product_SetFields
Product_GetCustomData() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductCustomData of the indicated Product
Product_GetCustomDataAll() in WebService.php
Returns all ProductCustomData of the solution
Product_GetCustomDataById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated ProductCustomData
Returns the ProductCustomDatas of the indicated ProductCustomDataType
Product_GetCustomDataType() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated ProductCustomDataType
Returns all ProductCustomDataTypes
Returns the indicated ProductDeliveryCountry
Returns all ProductDeliveryCountries
Returns the indicated ProductDeliveryCountry
Returns the indicated ProductDeliveryCountry
Product_GetDeliveryTime() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated ProductDeliveryTime
Returns all ProductDeliveryTimes
Product_GetDiscount() in WebService.php
Returns a ProductDiscount
Returns a ProductDiscountAccumulative
Product_GetDiscountGroup() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated DiscountGroup
Product_GetDiscounts() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductDiscounts of a product
Returns the ProductDiscountAccumulatives of a Product
Returns All ProductDiscountAccumulatives
Returns the ProductDiscountAccumulatives of a DiscountGroupProduct
Returns the ProductDiscountAccumulatives of a User
Returns the ProductDiscountAccumulatives of a UserDiscountGroup
Returns the indicated ProductExtraBuyCategory
Returns the ProductExtraBuyRelations of the indicated Product
Product_GetFiles() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductFiles of the indicated Product
Product_GetPictures() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductPictures of the indicated Product
Returns the secondary Categories of the indicated Product
Product_GetTags() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductTags of the indicated Product
Product_GetUnitAll() in WebService.php
Returns all ProductUnits.
Product_GetUnitById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated ProductUnit.
Product_GetVariantById() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductVariant with the indicated id
Product_GetVariants() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductVariants of the indicated Product
Returns the ProductVariant(s) with the indicated ItemNumber
Product_GetVariantsSorted() in WebService.php
Returns the ProductVariants of the indicated Product in Sorted order
Product_GetVariantType() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated ProductVariantType
Product_GetVariantTypeAll() in WebService.php
Returns all ProductVariantTypes of the solution
Returns the ProductVariantTypeValue
Returns the ProductVariantTypeValues of the indicated Variant
Returns the ProductVariantTypeValues of the indicated VariantType
Removes a ProductAdditionalType from the indicated Product
Product_RemoveCustomData() in WebService.php
Removes a ProductCostumData from the indicated Product
Product_Search() in WebService.php
Searches for products relevant for the given searchstring
Product_SetFields() in WebService.php
Sets the outputformat for all methods returning Product Objects. If not set, the output format includes the Id
Product_SetVariantFields() in WebService.php
Sets the output format for all methods returning ProductVariant Objects. If not set, the output format includes the Id
Product_Update() in WebService.php
Updates a Product. Either Id or Itemnumber can be used as identifier. If Itemnumber is used, this call might update several Products in case they have the same Itemnumber. If the Itemnumber supplied is not found a new product is created
Product_UpdateCustomData() in WebService.php
Upates a ProductCustomData
Upates a ProductCustomDataType
Updates the text of a 'textype' ProductCostumData for the indicated Product
Updates a ProductDeliveryCountry
Updates a ProductDeliveryTime
Product_UpdateDiscount() in WebService.php
Updates a ProductDiscount
Updates a ProductDiscountAccumulative
Updates a ProductExtraBuyCategory
Updates a ProductExtraBuyRelation
Product_UpdateFile() in WebService.php
Updates a ProductFile
Product_UpdatePicture() in WebService.php
Updates a ProductPicture
Product_UpdatePicture() in WebService.php
Updates a ProductPicture
Updates the stock of a stock location for a product
Product_UpdateVariant() in WebService.php
Updates a ProductVariant. Either Id or Itemnumber can be used as identifier. If Itemnumber is used, this call might update several variants in case they have the same Itemnumber.
Product_UpdateVariantType() in WebService.php
Updates a ProductVariantType
Updates the stock of a stock location for a product variant
Updates a ProductVariantTypeValue
ProductTag::$Rating in WebServiceTypes.php
The rating of the ProductTag
Order::$ReferenceNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The Reference number of the Order
OrderCreate::$ReferenceNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
The Reference number of the Order
UserUpdate::$Referer in WebServiceTypes.php
String describing from where the user was created
UserCreate::$Referer in WebServiceTypes.php
String describing from where the user was created
User::$Referer in WebServiceTypes.php
String describing from where the user was created
UserCreateUpdate::$Referer in WebServiceTypes.php
String describing from where the user was created
Delivery::$RegionMode in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether the region mode of the delivery (all, range, list)
Product::$RelatedProductIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the related Products of this Product
The ids of the related Products of this Product
ProductUpdate::$RelatedProducts in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the related Products of this Product
ProductCreate::$RelatedProducts in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the related Products of this Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$RelationCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The relationcode of the Product
ProductCreate::$RelationCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The relationcode of the Product
Product::$RelationCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The relationcode of the Product
The ids of the related Products of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
The ids of the related Products of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
The ids of the related Products of the ProductExtraBuyRelation
ShopSettings::$RequirementPageId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the PageText object of the Requirements page of the webshop
CurrencyCreate::$Round in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates how Products in the Order are rounded for the Currency (0 no rounding, 1 round up to closest integer, 2 round down to closest integer)
Currency::$Round in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates how Products in the Order are rounded for the Currency (0 no rounding, 1 round up to closest integer, 2 round down to closest integer)
CurrencyUpdate::$Round in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates how Products in the Order are rounded for the Currency (0 no rounding, 1 round up to closest integer, 2 round down to closest integer)
OrderCurrency::$Round in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates how Products in the Order are rounded for the Currency (0 no rounding, 1 round up to closest integer, 2 round down to closest integer)
Currency::$RoundOn in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates on what decimal the price is rounded
Product::$SecondaryCategories in WebServiceTypes.php
The secondary Categories of the Product
The id of the secondary Categories of the Product
Product::$SecondaryCategoryIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the secondary Categories of the Product
The ids of the secondary Categories of the Product
The id of the secondary Categories of the Product
CategoryCreate::$SeoCanonical in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo canonical of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$SeoCanonical in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo canonical of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Category::$SeoCanonical in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo canonical of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$SeoCanonical in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo canonical of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUpdate::$SeoCanonical in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo canonical of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryUpdate::$SeoCanonical in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo canonical of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The seo canonical of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreateUpdate::$SeoCanonical in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo canonical of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreate::$SeoDescription in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The Seo description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$SeoDescription in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUpdate::$SeoDescription in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The Seo description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageText::$SeoDescription in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo description of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryUpdate::$SeoDescription in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$SeoDescription in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo description of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Category::$SeoDescription in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageText::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Category::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryUpdate::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreateUpdate::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUpdate::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreate::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreateUpdate::$SeoKeywords in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo keywords of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUpdate::$SeoLink in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo link of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryUpdate::$SeoLink in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo link of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$SeoLink in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo link of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$SeoLink in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo link of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreateUpdate::$SeoLink in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo link of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Category::$SeoLink in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo link of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreate::$SeoLink in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo link of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreateUpdate::$SeoLink in WebServiceTypes.php
The Seo link of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryUpdate::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageText::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreate::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CategoryCreateUpdate::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUpdate::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Category::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreateUpdate::$SeoTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The seo title of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
NewsletterCustomField::$ServiceId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the service of NewsletterCustomField
The id of the service of NewsletterCustomField
The id of the service of NewsletterCustomField
OrderDelivery::$ServiceType in WebServiceTypes.php
The the service type of the Delivery
Delivery::$ServiceType in WebServiceTypes.php
The the service type of the Delivery
OrderLine::$ServiceType in WebServiceTypes.php
The service type of the OrderLine
OrderLineCreate::$ServiceType in WebServiceTypes.php
The service type of the OrderLine
UserCreateUpdate::$Sex in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether the User is male of female (1 for male, 2 for female, 0 for none)
UserCreate::$Sex in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether the User is male of female (1 for male, 2 for female, 0 for none)
UserUpdate::$Sex in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether the User is male of female (1 for male, 2 for female, 0 for none)
User::$Sex in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether the User is male of female (1 for male, 2 for female, 0 for none)
UserCreate::$ShippingAddress in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping address
The shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingAddress in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingAddress in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping address
User::$ShippingAddress in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingAddress2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second shipping address line
The second shipping address line
The shipping address2
User::$ShippingAddress2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second shipping address line
OrderCustomer::$ShippingAddress2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second shipping address line
UserCreate::$ShippingCity in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingCity in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the shipping address
User::$ShippingCity in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the shipping address
OrderCustomerCreate::$ShippingCity in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingCity in WebServiceTypes.php
The city of the shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingCompany in WebServiceTypes.php
The company of the person on the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingCompany in WebServiceTypes.php
The company of the person on the shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingCompany in WebServiceTypes.php
The company of the person on the shipping address
The company of the person on the shipping address
User::$ShippingCompany in WebServiceTypes.php
The company of the person on the shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingCountry in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO code of the country of the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingCountry in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO code of the country of the shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingCountry in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO code of the country of the shipping address
User::$ShippingCountry in WebServiceTypes.php
The ISO code of the country of the shipping address
The ISO code of the country of the shipping address
The phone initials of the country of the shipping address (+XX)
User::$ShippingCountryCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone initials of the country of the shipping address (+XX)
The phone initials of the country of the shipping address (+XX)
The phone initials of the country of the shipping address (+XX)
UserCreate::$ShippingCountryCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone initials of the country of the shipping address (+XX)
User::$ShippingCvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping cvr
UserCreate::$ShippingCvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping cvr
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingCvr in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping cvr
UserCreate::$ShippingEan in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping ean
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingEan in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping ean
User::$ShippingEan in WebServiceTypes.php
The shipping ean
UserCreate::$ShippingEmail in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the shipping address
User::$ShippingEmail in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingEmail in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingEmail in WebServiceTypes.php
The email of the shipping address
The email of the shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingFirstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the person on the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingFirstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the person on the shipping address
User::$ShippingFirstname in WebServiceTypes.php
The firstname of the person on the shipping address
The firstname of the person on the shipping address
The firstname of the person on the shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingLastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the person on the shipping address
The lastname of the person on the shipping address
User::$ShippingLastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the person on the shipping address
The lastname of the person on the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingLastname in WebServiceTypes.php
The lastname of the person on the shipping address
User::$ShippingMobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingMobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingMobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the shipping address
The mobile number of the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingMobile in WebServiceTypes.php
The mobile number of the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingPhone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the shipping address
User::$ShippingPhone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingPhone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingPhone in WebServiceTypes.php
The phone number of the shipping address
The phone number of the shipping address
TheReference of the shipping address
User::$ShippingReferenceNumber in WebServiceTypes.php
TheReference of the shipping address
TheReference of the shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingState in WebServiceTypes.php
The shortcode of the state of the shipping adress
User::$ShippingState in WebServiceTypes.php
The shortcode of the state of the shipping adress
The shortcode of the state of the shipping adress
UserCreate::$ShippingState in WebServiceTypes.php
The shortcode of the state of the shipping adress
OrderCustomer::$ShippingState in WebServiceTypes.php
The shortcode of the state of the shipping adress
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the user on the shipping address
User::$ShippingType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the user on the shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingType in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the user on the shipping address
OrderCustomerCreate::$ShippingZip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zipcode of the shipping address
UserCreateUpdate::$ShippingZip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zipcode of the shipping address
OrderCustomer::$ShippingZip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zipcode of the shipping address
User::$ShippingZip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zipcode of the shipping address
UserCreate::$ShippingZip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zipcode of the shipping address
Category::$ShowInMenu in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ids of the UserGroups that can view this category in the frontend menu (null for all, array[] for none, array[0,1,2,3] for specific). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests".
CategoryUpdate::$ShowInMenu in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ids of the UserGroups that can view this category in the frontend menu (null for all, array[] for none, array[0,1,2,3] for specific). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests".
CategoryCreate::$ShowInMenu in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ids of the UserGroups that can view this category in the frontend menu (null for all, array[] for none, array[0,1,2,3] for specific). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests".
PageText::$ShowInMenu in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Page is displayed in the frontend
PageTextUpdate::$ShowInMenu in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Page is displayed in the frontend
PageTextCreate::$ShowInMenu in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Page is displayed in the frontend
CategoryCreateUpdate::$ShowInMenu in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ids of the UserGroups that can view this category in the frontend menu (null for all, array[] for none, array[0,1,2,3] for specific). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests".
Wether or not to display prices of the Products with vat included in the shop
ShopWebinfo::$SolutionId in WebServiceTypes.php
The ID of the webshop
ProductDiscountAccumulative::$Site in WebServiceTypes.php
The site on which the discount is active, 0 for all
ProductDiscountUpdate::$Site in WebServiceTypes.php
The site on which the discount is active, 0 for all
The site on which the discount is active, 0 for all
The site on which the discount is active, 0 for all
ProductDiscount::$Site in WebServiceTypes.php
The site on which the discount is active, 0 for all
ProductDiscountCreate::$Site in WebServiceTypes.php
The site on which the discount is active, 0 for all
Order::$Site in WebServiceTypes.php
The Site of the Order
User::$Site in WebServiceTypes.php
The site of the User
OrderCreate::$SiteId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the site of the Order. Defaults to the primary site if not supplied
SolutionLanguage::$SiteId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the Site to which the language belongs
ProductVariantCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductVariant amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductVariant amongst its siblings
ProductVariant::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductVariant amongst its siblings
ProductPicture::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Picture amongst its siblings
ProductUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Product amongst its siblings
ProductPictureUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Picture amongst its siblings
ProductPictureCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Picture amongst its siblings
Category::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Category amongst its siblings
ProductFileUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductFile amongst its siblings
UserGroup::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the UserGroup amongst its siblings
Site::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The Sorting of the Site
VatGroup::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The Sorting of the VatGroup
UserPicture::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the UserPicture amongst its siblings
UserGroupUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the UserGroup amongst its siblings
ProductFileCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductFile amongst its siblings
UserGroupCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the UserGroup amongst its siblings
VatGroupCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The Sorting of the VatGroup
ProductVariantUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductVariant amongst its siblings
ProductVariantTypeUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductVariantType amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductVariantType amongst its siblings
VatGroupUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The Sorting of the VatGroup
ProductVariantTypeValue::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductVariantTypeValue amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductVariantTypeValue amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductVariantTypeValue amongst its siblings
ProductVariantType::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductVariantType amongst its siblings
ProductCustomDataType::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
the sorting of the ProductCustomDataType
CustomDataTypeUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The Sorting of the CustomDataType
ProductCreateUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Product amongst its siblings
CustomDataUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductCustomData amongst its siblings
Delivery::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Delivery amongst its siblings
ProductCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Product amongst its siblings
CustomDataTypeCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The Sorting of the CustomDataType
CustomDataType::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The Sorting of the CustomDataType
ProductCustomDataCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductCustomData amongst its siblings
ProductCustomData::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductCustomData amongst its siblings
PageText::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the PageText amongst its siblings
CustomDataCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductCustomData amongst its siblings
OrderStatusCode::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The sorting of the Order Status Code
ProductCategorySorting::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The sorting value of the product category combination
PaymentMethodOnline::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the PaymentMethodOnline amongst its siblings
PaymentMethod::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the PaymentMethod amongst its siblings
PageTextUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the PageText amongst its siblings
PageTextCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the PageText amongst its siblings
CategoryCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Category amongst its siblings
PagePicture::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the PagePicture amongst its siblings
ProductAdditional::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductAdditional amongst its siblings
ProductFile::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductFile amongst its siblings (path relative to /pics/ folder)
Product::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Product amongst its siblings
PacketProductLine::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the PacketProductLine amongst its siblings
the sorting of the ProductCustomDataType
CustomData::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductCustomData amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductExtraBuyCategory amongst its siblings
CategoryPictureUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the CategoryPicture amongst its siblings
ProductExtraBuyCategory::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductExtraBuyCategory amongst its siblings
the sorting of the ProductCustomDataType
The position of the ProductDeliveryTime amongst its siblings
CategoryPictureCreate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the CategoryPicture amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductExtraBuyCategory amongst its siblings
CategoryPicture::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the CategoryPicture amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductDeliveryTime amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductExtraBuyRelation amongst its siblings
CategoryUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Category amongst its siblings
The position of the ProductExtraBuyRelation amongst its siblings
ProductCustomDataUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductCustomData amongst its siblings
CategoryCreateUpdate::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the Category amongst its siblings
ProductExtraBuyRelation::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductExtraBuyRelation amongst its siblings
ProductDeliveryTime::$Sorting in WebServiceTypes.php
The position of the ProductDeliveryTime amongst its siblings
SeoRedirect::$Source in WebServiceTypes.php
The source of the SeoRedirect
OrderCustomer::$State in WebServiceTypes.php
The shortcode of the state of the customer
OrderCustomerCreate::$State in WebServiceTypes.php
The shortcode of the state of the customer
OrderTransaction::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
The status of the transaction (0 for 'awaiting', 1 for 'completed', 2 for 'cancelled', 3 for 'refunded')
Category::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Category is visible in the shop
Product::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates wether or not this Product is visible in the shop
CategoryCreateUpdate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Category is visible in the shop
OrderTransactionCreate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
The status of the transaction (0 for 'rejected', 1 for 'awaiting', 2 for 'completed')
ProductCreate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates wether or not this Product is visible in the shop
Indicates wether or not this ProductVariant is visible in the shop
CategoryCreate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Category is visible in the shop
ProductVariantUpdate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates wether or not this ProductVariant is visible in the shop
ProductCreateUpdate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates wether or not this Product is visible in the shop
CategoryUpdate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the Category is visible in the shop
ProductVariantCreate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates wether or not this ProductVariant is visible in the shop
ProductVariant::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates wether or not this ProductVariant is visible in the shop
OrderLineCreate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
The Status of the OrderLine
OrderLine::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
The Status of the OrderLine
SolutionLanguage::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the SolutionLanguage is active in the shop
Order::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
The Status of the Order
ProductUpdate::$Status in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates wether or not this Product is visible in the shop
Product::$Stock in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of this product in stock
ProductVariant::$Stock in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of this variant in stock
ProductVariantCreate::$Stock in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of this variant in stock
ProductVariantCreateUpdate::$Stock in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of this variant in stock
ProductCreate::$Stock in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of this product in stock
ProductUpdate::$Stock in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of this product in stock
ProductVariantUpdate::$Stock in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of this variant in stock
ProductCreateUpdate::$Stock in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of this product in stock
Product::$StockLow in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this product
ProductVariant::$StockLow in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this variant
ProductVariantCreate::$StockLow in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this variant
Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this variant
ProductCreate::$StockLow in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this product
ProductUpdate::$StockLow in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this product
ProductVariantUpdate::$StockLow in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this variant
ProductCreateUpdate::$StockLow in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this product
OrderLine::$StockLocationId in WebServiceTypes.php
The stock location id of the OrderLine
Product::$StockLocationId in WebServiceTypes.php
The Stock Location id of the Product 0 for default
OrderLine::$StockStatus in WebServiceTypes.php
The tracking code of the OrderLine
OrderTransaction::$SubscriptionId in WebServiceTypes.php
The subscription id of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction (0 if none)
The subscription id of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction (0 if none)
CurrencyCreate::$Symbol in WebServiceTypes.php
The symbol of the currency
CurrencyUpdate::$Symbol in WebServiceTypes.php
The symbol of the currency
Currency::$Symbol in WebServiceTypes.php
The symbol of the currency
OrderCurrency::$Symbol in WebServiceTypes.php
The symbol of the currency
CurrencyCreate::$SymbolPlace in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether the currency symbol belongs on the 'left' or 'right' side of the number
Currency::$SymbolPlace in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether the currency symbol belongs on the 'left' or 'right' side of the number
OrderCurrency::$SymbolPlace in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether the currency symbol belongs on the 'left' or 'right' side of the number
CurrencyUpdate::$SymbolPlace in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether the currency symbol belongs on the 'left' or 'right' side of the number
SeoRedirect in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a SeoRedirect
SEORedirect_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a SEORedirect
SEORedirect_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns all SEORedirects.
SEORedirect_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated SEORedirect.
ShopSettings in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for the settings of the solution
ShopWebinfo in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for various information about the solution
Site in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a Site
Sites_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns the Sites of the solution
Sites_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated Site
SolutionLanguage in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a SolutionLanguage
Solution_Connect() in WebService.php
Connects to a Solution
Solution_CreateThumb() in WebService.php
Creates a thumbnail of an image and returns its path (if the thumbnail already exists the path is returned without other actions)
Solution_CreateThumbs() in WebService.php
Creates thumbnails of images and returns their paths (if the thumbnail already exists the path is returned without other actions)
Solution_DeleteCustomData() in WebService.php
Deletes a CustomData
Solution_GetLanguages() in WebService.php
Returns the utilized languages of this system
Solution_GetWebinfo() in WebService.php
Returns the web information for the solution
Solution_HasModule() in WebService.php
Checks whether or not the solution has the module
Enables or disables case sensitive matching of ItemNumbers for alle methods using these as keys. Default is non-case-sensitive mode
Solution_SetEncoding() in WebService.php
Sets the encoding of all outgoing textfields, and the expected encoding of all incomming fields. It is recommended to stick to the same encoding for input and output functions.
Solution_SetLanguage() in WebService.php
Sets the SolutionLanguage of this shop instance. This affects all Objects with language specific text
Solution_UpdateCustomData() in WebService.php
Upates a CustomData
Product::$Tags in WebServiceTypes.php
The ProductTags of the Product
SeoRedirect::$Target in WebServiceTypes.php
The target of the SeoRedirect
PageText::$Target in WebServiceTypes.php
The Target mode of the page
ProductDeliveryCountry::$Tax in WebServiceTypes.php
The tax parcentage for the DeliveryCountry
ProductDeliveryCountryCreate::$Tax in WebServiceTypes.php
The tax parcentage for the DeliveryCountry
ProductDeliveryCountryUpdate::$Tax in WebServiceTypes.php
The tax parcentage for the DeliveryCountry
Delivery::$Text in WebServiceTypes.php
The text of the Delivery
OrderPacking::$Text in WebServiceTypes.php
The text of the packing
ProductTag::$Text in WebServiceTypes.php
The text of the ProductTag
PageText::$Text in WebServiceTypes.php
The textcontent of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageTextUpdate::$Text in WebServiceTypes.php
The textcontent of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageTextCreate::$Text in WebServiceTypes.php
The textcontent of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageText::$Text2 in WebServiceTypes.php
The second textcontent of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageText::$Text3 in WebServiceTypes.php
The third textcontent of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PagePicture::$Thumbnail in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the thumbnail of the PagePicture
ProductAdditionalType::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductAdditionalType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductAdditional::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductAdditional in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCustomDataCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductCustomData in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCustomDataType::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductCustomDataType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCustomData::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductCustomData in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCreateUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageTextUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageTextCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PageText::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the PageText in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The title of the ProductCustomDataType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PaymentMethod::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the PaymentMethed
Category::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
PaymentMethodOnline::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the PaymentMethodOnline
CategoryCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductCustomDataUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductCustomData in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The title of the ProductVariantType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductVariantType::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductVariantType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductVariant::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The Title of the Variant (the name(s) of the VarientTypeValues concatted with //)
ProductUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductVariantTypeUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductVariantType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductVariantTypeValue::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductVariantTypeValue in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ShopWebinfo::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the webshop
SolutionLanguage::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the SolutionLanguage
The title of the ProductVariantTypeValue in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The title of the ProductVariantTypeValue in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUnitUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductUnit in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUnitCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductUnit in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
UserGroup::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the UserGroup in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
UserGroupCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the UserGroup in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
UserGroupUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the UserGroup in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Site::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Site in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductExtraBuyCategory::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductExtraBuyCategory in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The title of the ProductExtraBuyCategory in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductUnit::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductUnit in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductTag::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Tag in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The title of the ProductExtraBuyCategory in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
The title of the ProductCustomDataType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Product::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Product in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
Currency::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Currency
CategoryUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
DiscountGroupCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the DiscountGroup
DiscountGroup::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the DiscountGroup
DiscountCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Discount
DiscountUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Discount
CategoryCreateUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
DiscountGroupProduct::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the DiscountGroupProduct
DiscountGroupProductCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the DiscountGroupProduct
DiscountGroupProductUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the DiscountGroupProduct
DiscountGroupUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the DiscountGroup
Delivery::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Delivery
Discount::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Discount
OrderStatusCode::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The first title of the Order Status Code
CustomDataUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductCustomData in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CustomData::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductCustomData in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CurrencyUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Currency
CurrencyCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the Currency
CustomDataCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductCustomData in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
OrderPayment::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the payment
OrderDiscountCode::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the OrderDiscount of this OrderDiscountCode
OrderDelivery::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the delivery
CustomDataType::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the CustomDataType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CustomDataTypeUpdate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the CustomDataType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
CustomDataTypeCreate::$Title in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the CustomDataType in the language indicated by the LanguageISO
ProductDeliveryTime::$TitleInStock in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductDeliveryTime when the Product is in stock
The title of the ProductDeliveryTime when the Product is in stock
The title of the ProductDeliveryTime when the Product is in stock
ProductDeliveryTime::$TitleNoStock in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductDeliveryTime when the Product is not in stock
The title of the ProductDeliveryTime when the Product is not in stock
The title of the ProductDeliveryTime when the Product is not in stock
ShopSettings::$TopBanner in WebServiceTypes.php
The url of the TopBanner of the webshop
Order::$Total in WebServiceTypes.php
The total price of the Order without vat, shipping, and transaction price. (deprecated) This field is deprecated and might not represent the correct order total. For a correct calculation sum the value of order lines, shipping and transaction price
OrderLineCreate::$TrackingCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The stock status description of the Product of the OrderLine when the Order was made
Order::$TrackingCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The trackingcode of the Order
OrderLine::$TrackingCode in WebServiceTypes.php
The stock status description of the Product of the OrderLine when the Order was made
The transactionnumber of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction
The transactionnumber of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction. NOTE the length of this field is limited to int32. For longer ids please use TransactionNumberLong
The transactionnumber of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction.
The transactionnumber of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction.
Order::$Transactions in WebServiceTypes.php
The transactions of the Order
Product::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the Product (normal, giftcard, packet or discontinued)
User::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The Type of the User ('Private', 'Company', 'var Sector')
Discount::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the Discount ('p' for percentage, 'f' for fixed amount)
CustomDataTypeUpdate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the CustomDataType (1 for dropdown, 2 for checkbox, 3 for texttype)
Delivery::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the Delivery
OrderDiscountCode::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the OrderDiscountCode ('p' for percentage, 'f' for fixed amount)
SeoRedirect::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the SeoRedirect
Site::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The Type of the Site, either web or pos
CustomDataType::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the CustomDataType (1 for dropdown, 2 for checkbox, 3 for texttype)
CustomDataTypeCreate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the CustomDataType (1 for dropdown, 2 for checkbox, 3 for texttype)
PaymentMethod::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the PaymentMethod
DiscountCreate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the Discount ('p' for percentage, 'f' for fixed amount)
UserUpdate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The Type of the User ('Private', 'Company', 'var Sector')
DiscountGroupCreate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the DiscountGroup ('p' for percentage, 'f' for fixed amount)
UserCreate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The Type of the User ('Private', 'Company', 'var Sector')
DiscountGroupUpdate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the DiscountGroup ('p' for percentage, 'f' for fixed amount)
ProductCustomDataTypeUpdate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
the type of the ProductCustomDataType (1 or text, 2 for checkbox, 3 for dropdown)
ProductCustomDataTypeCreate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
the type of the ProductCustomDataType (1 or text, 2 for checkbox, 3 for dropdown)
DiscountUpdate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the Discount ('p' for percentage, 'f' for fixed amount)
ProductCustomDataType::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
the type of the ProductCustomDataType (1 or text, 2 for checkbox, 3 for dropdown)
NewsletterCustomField::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of NewsletterCustomField
UserCreateUpdate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The Type of the User ('Private', 'Company', 'var Sector')
NewsletterCustomFieldCreate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of NewsletterCustomField
DiscountGroup::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of the DiscountGroup ('p' for percentage, 'f' for fixed amount)
NewsletterCustomFieldUpdate::$Type in WebServiceTypes.php
The type of NewsletterCustomField
The Type1 of the ProductDiscountAccumulative, must be one of (all, product, variant, variantall, productdiscountgroup)
The Type1 of the ProductDiscountAccumulative, must be one of (all, product, variant, variantall, productdiscountgroup)
The Type1 of the ProductDiscountAccumulative, must be one of (all, product, variant, variantall, productdiscountgroup)
The Type1Id of the ProductDiscountAccumulative
The Type1Id of the ProductDiscountAccumulative
The Type1Id of the ProductDiscountAccumulative
The Type2 of the ProductDiscountAccumulative, must be one of (all, user, userdiscountgroup, group)
The Type2 of the ProductDiscountAccumulative, must be one of (all, user, userdiscountgroup, group)
The Type2 of the ProductDiscountAccumulative, must be one of (all, user, userdiscountgroup, group)
The Type2Id of the ProductDiscountAccumulative
The Type2Id of the ProductDiscountAccumulative
The Type2Id of the ProductDiscountAccumulative
OrderLine::$Unit in WebServiceTypes.php
The unit text of the OrderLine
ProductVariant::$Unit in WebServiceTypes.php
The ProductUnit of the Variant
Product::$Unit in WebServiceTypes.php
The ProductUnit of the Product
OrderLineCreate::$Unit in WebServiceTypes.php
The unit text of the OrderLine
ProductCreateUpdate::$UnitId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductUnit of the Product
Product::$UnitId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductUnit of the Product
ProductCreate::$UnitId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductUnit of the Product
ProductUpdate::$UnitId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductUnit of the Product
ProductVariantUpdate::$UnitId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductUnit of the Product
ProductVariantCreate::$UnitId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the ProductUnit of the Variant
The id of the ProductUnit of the Variant
PageTextUpdate::$UpdatedDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime when the PageText was last updated
PageTextCreate::$UpdatedDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime when the PageText was last updated
PageText::$UpdatedDate in WebServiceTypes.php
The datetime when the PageText was last updated
UserUpdate::$Url in WebServiceTypes.php
The url of the Users webpage
UserCreateUpdate::$Url in WebServiceTypes.php
The url of the Users webpage
Product::$Url in WebServiceTypes.php
External url describing the Product
ProductUpdate::$Url in WebServiceTypes.php
External url describing the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$Url in WebServiceTypes.php
External url describing the Product
User::$Url in WebServiceTypes.php
The url of the Users webpage
UserCreate::$Url in WebServiceTypes.php
The url of the Users webpage
ProductCreate::$Url in WebServiceTypes.php
External url describing the Product
DiscountUpdate::$UseCount in WebServiceTypes.php
The use count of the Discount
Discount::$UseCount in WebServiceTypes.php
The use count of the Discount
DiscountCreate::$UseCount in WebServiceTypes.php
The use count of the Discount
Order::$User in WebServiceTypes.php
The user of the Order
Product::$UserAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
The Users that can access this product of the Product (empty for all)
Product::$UserAccessIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the Users that can access this product of the Product (empty for all)
ProductUpdate::$UserAccessIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the Users that can access this product of the Product (empty for all)
ProductCreate::$UserAccessIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the Users that can access this product of the Product (empty for all)
The ids of the Users that can access this product of the Product (empty for all)
ProductTag::$UserEmail in WebServiceTypes.php
The email address of the User who made the Tag
Product::$UserGroupAccess in WebServiceTypes.php
The UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests"
ProductUpdate::$UserGroupAccessIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). Id 0 represents "visible for guests"
The ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). Id 0 represents "visible for guests"
Product::$UserGroupAccessIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests"
Category::$UserGroupAccessIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The Ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests"
The Ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests"
The Ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests"
The Ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests"
ProductCreate::$UserGroupAccessIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). Id 0 represents "visible for guests"
UserCreateUpdate::$UserGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the UserGroup of the User
User::$UserGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the UserGroup of the User
The id of the UserGroup of NewsletterCustomField
The id of the UserGroup of NewsletterCustomField
The id of the UserGroup of NewsletterCustomField
UserCreate::$UserGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the UserGroup of the User
UserUpdate::$UserGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the UserGroup of the User
Delivery::$UserGroups in WebServiceTypes.php
The ids UserGroups for which this Delivery is Available
UserPicture::$UserId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the User of the UserPicture
ProductDiscountCreate::$UserId in WebServiceTypes.php
Deetermines who this discount affects. For type group it points to a UserGroup, for type 'user' it points to a User.
ProductTag::$UserId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the User who made the Tag
ProductDiscountUpdate::$UserId in WebServiceTypes.php
Deetermines who this discount affects. For type group it points to a UserGroup, for type 'user' it points to a User.
OrderCreate::$UserId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the User of the Order
ProductDiscount::$UserId in WebServiceTypes.php
Deetermines who this discount affects. For type group it points to a UserGroup, for type 'user' it points to a User.
Order::$UserId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the User of the Order
User::$Username in WebServiceTypes.php
The usrename of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$Username in WebServiceTypes.php
The username of the User
UserUpdate::$Username in WebServiceTypes.php
The usrename of the User
ProductTag::$Username in WebServiceTypes.php
The name of the User who made the Tag
UserCreate::$Username in WebServiceTypes.php
The username of the User
ProductDiscountCreate::$UserType in WebServiceTypes.php
Determines who this discount affects. Either 'all', 'group' or 'user'
ProductDiscountUpdate::$UserType in WebServiceTypes.php
Determines who this discount affects. Either 'all', 'group' or 'user'
ProductDiscount::$UserType in WebServiceTypes.php
Determines who this discount affects. Either 'all', 'group' or 'user'
User in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a User
UserCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a User.
UserCreateUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating or updating a User.
UserGroup in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a UserGroup
UserGroupCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a creating UserGroup
UserGroupUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a UserGroup
UserPicture in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a UserPicture
UserUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a User.
User_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new User
User_CreateGroup() in WebService.php
Creates a new UserGroup
User_CreateOrUpdate() in WebService.php
* Creates or Updates a User using Username as key. Assumes that only unique Usernames exist in the shop. If the Username supplied is not found a new User is created
User_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a User
User_DeleteGroup() in WebService.php
Deletes a UserGroup
User_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns all Users. The output format can be set with User_SetFields
User_GetAllByDate() in WebService.php
Returns all Users created or updated in a given timespan. The output format can be set with User_SetFields
User_GetAllNewsletter() in WebService.php
Returns all Newsletter Users. The output format can be set with User_SetFields
Returns all Newsletter Users created or updated in a given timespan. The output format can be set with User_SetFields
User_GetByGroup() in WebService.php
Returns Users of the incidated UserGroup. The output format can be set with User_SetFields
User_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated User. The output format can be set with User_SetFields
User_GetByName() in WebService.php
Returns users with a full or partial match of the supplied name. The output format can be set with User_SetFields
User_GetGroupAll() in WebService.php
Returns all UserGroups of the solution
User_GetGroupById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated UserGroup
User_SetFields() in WebService.php
Sets the outputformat for all methods returning User Objects. If not set, the output format includes only the Id
User_Update() in WebService.php
Updates a User
User_UpdateGroup() in WebService.php
Updates a UserGroup
DiscountCreate::$Value in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the Discount (either percentage of fixed amount according to the Type)
Discount::$Value in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the Discount (either percentage of fixed amount according to the Type)
OrderDiscountCode::$Value in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the OrderDiscountCode (either percentage of fixed amount according to the Type)
DiscountUpdate::$Value in WebServiceTypes.php
The value of the Discount (either percentage of fixed amount according to the Type)
OrderLineCreate::$VariantId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderVariant of the OrderLine
OrderLine::$VariantId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the OrderVariant of the OrderLine
PacketProductLine::$VariantIds in WebServiceTypes.php
The VariantIds of the PacketLine
Product::$Variants in WebServiceTypes.php
The ProductVariants of the Product
OrderLine::$VariantTitle in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the ProductVariants represented by the OrderLine when the Order was made
Product::$VariantTypes in WebServiceTypes.php
The title of the VariantTypes of the product (the name(s) of the VarientTypes concatted with //)
The IDs of the VariantTypeValues associated with the Variant
The IDs of the VariantTypeValues associated with the Variant
The IDs of the VariantTypeValues associated with the Variant
ProductVariant::$VariantTypeValues in WebServiceTypes.php
The IDs of the VariantTypeValues associated with the Variant
PaymentMethod::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
The whether or not this PaymentMethod has Vat enabled
OrderLine::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
The VAT given on the Product of the OrderLine when the Order was made
OrderPayment::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
Whether or not the payment has vat enabled
OrderDiscountCode::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the discount code has vat
DiscountCreate::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Discount has VAT
Discount::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Discount has VAT
Delivery::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the Delivery has vat
DiscountUpdate::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
Wether or not the Discount has VAT
OrderDelivery::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
Indicates whether or not the delivery has vat
Order::$Vat in WebServiceTypes.php
The Vat percentage of the Order
Product::$VatGroup in WebServiceTypes.php
The VatGroup of the Product (null if none)
ProductCreate::$VatGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the VatGroup of the Product
ProductUpdate::$VatGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the VatGroup of the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$VatGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the VatGroup of the Product
Product::$VatGroupId in WebServiceTypes.php
The id of the VatGroup of the Product
VatGroup::$VatPercentage in WebServiceTypes.php
The vat percentage of the VatGroup
VatGroupCreate::$VatPercentage in WebServiceTypes.php
The vat percentage of the VatGroup
VatGroupUpdate::$VatPercentage in WebServiceTypes.php
The vat percentage of the VatGroup
OrderLine::$VatRate in WebServiceTypes.php
The vatrate of the OrderLine
PageTextCreate::$Visible in WebServiceTypes.php
Information about who can access the page (either -1 for none, 0 for all, or the id of a UserGroup who can access the page)
PageTextUpdate::$Visible in WebServiceTypes.php
Information about who can access the page (either -1 for none, 0 for all, or the id of a UserGroup who can access the page)
PageText::$Visible in WebServiceTypes.php
Information about who can access the page (either -1 for none, 0 for all, or the id of a UserGroup who can access the page)
VatGroup in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for a VatGroup
VatGroupCreate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for creating a VatGroup
VatGroupUpdate in WebServiceTypes.php
This Class represents a dataobject for updating a VatGroup
VatGroup_Create() in WebService.php
Creates a new VatGroup
VatGroup_Delete() in WebService.php
Deletes a VatGroup
VatGroup_GetAll() in WebService.php
Returns the VatGroups of the solution
VatGroup_GetById() in WebService.php
Returns the indicated VatGroup
VatGroup_Update() in WebService.php
Updates a User
ProductVariant::$Weight in WebServiceTypes.php
The weight of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantCreate::$Weight in WebServiceTypes.php
The weight of the ProductVariant
The weight of the ProductVariant
ProductVariantUpdate::$Weight in WebServiceTypes.php
The weight of the ProductVariant
ProductUpdate::$Weight in WebServiceTypes.php
The weight of the Product
ProductCreateUpdate::$Weight in WebServiceTypes.php
The weight of the Product
OrderLine::$Weight in WebServiceTypes.php
The weight of the Product of the OrderLine when the Order was made
Product::$Weight in WebServiceTypes.php
The weight of the Product
ProductCreate::$Weight in WebServiceTypes.php
The weight of the Product
WebServiceTypes.php in WebServiceTypes.php
WebService.php in WebService.php
User::$Zip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zip of the User
UserCreate::$Zip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zip of the User
UserCreateUpdate::$Zip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zip of the User
UserUpdate::$Zip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zip of the User
ShopWebinfo::$Zip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zil of the webshop
OrderLineAddress::$Zip in WebServiceTypes.php
The Zip of the OrderLineAddress
OrderCustomerCreate::$Zip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zipcode of the customer
OrderCustomer::$Zip in WebServiceTypes.php
The zipcode of the customer
Delivery::$ZipFrom in WebServiceTypes.php
The lowest Zip of the Delivery (for RegionMode range)
Delivery::$ZipGroups in WebServiceTypes.php
The Zips of the Delivery (for RegionMode list)
Delivery::$ZipTo in WebServiceTypes.php
The highest Zip of the Delivery (for RegionMode range)
a b c d e f g h i l m n o p r s t u v w z